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FlashFXP - FTP-клиент, поддерживающий любые типы соединения, умеющий работать через фаейрволл и поддерживающий протоколы защищенных соединений SSL/TSL. Программа может импортировать списки сайтов из многих популярных FTP-клиентов. Есть удобная функция - список отложенных заданий, которая позволит возобновить неоконченную загрузку в любое время. В программе имеется возможность автоматизировать загрузки, используя параметры командной строки. Программа позволяет производить и организовывать передачу данных не только между локальным компьютером, но и двумя удаленными FTP-серверами. Используя FlashFXP, очень удобно производить загрузку файлов, которые расположены в разных папках или даже на разных FTP -серверах. Все файлы, которые необходимо скачать, можно поместить в очередь. Программа запомнит их расположение, при старте загрузки выполнит соединение с сервером, перейдет в нужную папку и начнет закачку. Имеет простой и понятный пользовательский интерфейс с полной поддержкой русского языка.

Несомненным преимуществом поддержки стандарта FXP является то, что на конечных пользователей, желающих скопировать файлы с одного FTP-сервера на другой, уже не действует ограничение пропускной способности их собственного интернет-соединения. Нет необходимости скачивать себе файл, чтобы потом положить его на другой FTP-сервер. Таким образом, время передачи файлов будет зависеть только от скорости соединения между двумя удаленными FTP-серверами, которая в большинстве случаев заведомо больше пользовательской. 

В данном менеджере имеется множество полезных функций, к примеру, грамотное составление правил позволит избавиться от рутинного кликания по кнопкам "заменить", "пропустить" и т.д. Также в данной программе пользователю будет удобна и функция синхронизации каталогов. Присутствует система фильтров, позволяющая автоматизировать исключения по типам файлов в очереди закачки. В целом, тем, кто более-менее знаком с FTP-клиентами, не составит ни малейшего труда разобраться в данной программе. К тому же программа имеет многоязычный интерфейс, включая поддержку русского языка. 

FlashFXP - FTP-client that supports all types of connections, able to work through faeyrvoll and supports Secure Socket SSL / TSL. The program can import lists of sites from many popular FTP-clients. There is a handy feature - a list of pending tasks, which will resume unfinished downloads at any time. The program has the ability to automate downloading using command line parameters. The program allows you to produce and organize the data not only between the local computer, but also two remote FTP-servers. Using FlashFXP, very convenient to download files that are located in different folders, or even on different FTP-servers. All the files you want to download, you can put in place. The program will remember the location, when you start downloading you connect to the server, go into the folder and start the download. Has a simple and intuitive user interface with full support for Russian language.

Undoubted advantage of standard support FXP is that end users who want to copy files from one FTP-server to another, no longer works on bandwidth limiting their own Internet connection. No need to download the file yourself, then to put it on another FTP-server. Thus, the file transfer will depend on the speed of the connection between two remote FTP-server, which in most cases, certainly larger than the user.

This manager has many useful functions, for example, well-written rules will get rid of the routine Clicking on the button "Replace", "skip", etc. Also in this program, the user will be comfortable and function directory synchronization. There is a system of filters to automate exception of file types to upload queue. In general, those who are more or less familiar with the FTP-clients do not make the slightest understanding of labor in this program. In addition, the program has a multilingual interface, including support for Russian language.

Key features:
- Full support for gigabit-speed connections
- Support for MODE Z compression for streaming on the fly
- Set a limit on the speed of download and upload
- Optimized caching of remote directory lists
- Secure connection (TLS / SSL)
- Supports one-time passwords
- Strong Encryption used for the site manager, in order to protect information
- Connect to sites using TLS / SSL for extra security
- Data transfer from site to site
- Fully recursive file transfer (upload, download)
- Caching allows you to view offline
- Support for firewall
- FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy Support Socks 4 and Socks 5 (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy, etc)
- Full multilanguage support
- Simple and Advanced Image
- Advanced queue control
- Schedule of transmission
- Internally timetable for the transfer and stopping a queue at a given time
- Enhanced functionality for features Drag-and-Drop
- Import site listings from Cute FTP, WSFTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP and Bullet Proof, including passwords
- Minimize the program to system tray
- Create a backup or restore of all sites or settings
- Search remote FTP
- Counting the size of all files in this directory

Operating system: Windows ® XP/Vista/7
Language: Multi (Russian)
Released: 2011
Size: 5 MB
Medicine: Present

Category: Web development software | Views: 1628 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

CyberLink MediaEspresso - универсальный конвертер позволит пользователям быстро подготовить выбранный видеоролик к просмотру на любом распространенном устройстве. Основным достоинством приложения MediaEspresso является удобство эксплуатации. Пользователю не нужно разбираться в особенностях различных форматов и технологий, программа также исключает необходимость в кропотливой ручной настройке параметров конвертирования. Владельцу устройства достаточно импортировать в приложение нужный видеоконтент и выбрать устройство, на котором он будет воспроизводиться. Все остальные действия MediaEspresso выполнит в автоматическом режиме.

MediaEspresso 6 даст возможность пользователям с минимальным уровнем технических знаний подготовить интересный видеоролик или аудиофайл к воспроизведению на одном из популярных мобильных устройств. Программное обеспечение обладает поддержкой широкого спектра распространенных мультимедийных форматов, включая MKV, RM/RMVB, FLV, DivX, MOV (H.264), WMV, MPEG-2, M2T, TiVo, MP4 и многих других. А список поддерживаемых устройств включает в себя смартфоны Apple iPhones и Google Android, портативные плееры iPods и iPad, игровые консоли Xbox 360 или PlayStation 3 и многие другие устройства.

Конвертирование данных в нужный формат выполняется в автоматическом режиме без предварительной настройки параметров. MediaEspresso 6 автоматически определяет модель мобильного устройства, подключенного к ПК, и выбирает соответствующий профиль оборудования, не требуя от пользователя настройки параметров вручную.

MediaEspresso 6 – самый быстрый видеоконвертер из всех доступных на современном потребительском рынке, поддерживающий новые процессоры Intel (включая Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition, i5 и i3), а также технологии NVIDIA CUDA и ATI Stream. Благодаря поддержке технологий аппаратного ускорения, владельцы современного компьютерного оборудования отметят заметно возросшую производительность операций по конвертированию видео.

Отдельного упоминания заслуживает поддержка механизмов пакетной обработки файлов, возможность автоматического завершения работы приложения и отключение компьютера по завершении процесса конвертирования, а также список My Favorites, в котором содержатся профили наиболее распространенных клиентских устройств. Еще одной уникальной особенностью MediaEspresso 6 является поддержка набора технологий TrueTheater Technology, позволяющих улучшить качество изображения в процессе конвертирования. К примеру, технология TrueTheater Lighting обеспечивает реалистичную передачу цвета, а технология TrueTheater Denoise отвечает за устранение дефектов изображения и гарантирует отсутствие нежелательных артефактов.

Одним нажатием на кнопку пользователь может опубликовать сконвертированные материалы в глобальной сети, например, отправить видеоролик на портал Youtube или разместить обработанные снимки в персональной фотогалерее в социальной сети Facebook.

• Сверх-быстрая пакетная и многопотоковая среда преобразования медиафайлов различных форматов
• Интелектуальное определение мультимедиа в подключенном устройстве с использованием диспетчера устройств
• Прямая синхронизация различных мультимедийных устройств: iPhone, iPad, PSP, и т. д.
• Мгновенное повышение качества видео с использованием технологии TrueTheater ™
• Поддержка больших форматов файлов - видео, фото и музыкальных файлов
• Оптимизировано для процессоров Intel Core ™ i3, i5 и i7, NVIDIA ® CUDA ™, и ATI® Stream™ для лучшей производительности
• Публикация мультимедиа на серверах Facebook, Youtube и вывод на устройства ITunes

CyberLink MediaEspresso is a faster way to convert your video and your music and image files between a wide range of popular formats. Now you can easily display your favorite movies, songs and photos on iPhone, iPad, PSP, Xbox, Youtube, Facebook etc. Compile, convert and enjoy images and songs as much as you want and enhance your videos to new levels with TrueTheater Technology.

MediaEspresso now supports up to 59 output devices, including Smart Phones such as the new Apple iPhone 4, Game Consoles and other media players like the iPad, iPod, PSP3, Xbox 360... You can enjoy your media files on nearly any media player.
Always wanted to share your converted video and/or image files on a social platform? Piece of cake with MediaEspresso’s direct export function to YouTube and Facebook. Simply click on the tab of your choice to start the export process.
MediaEspresso makes your media conversion process even easier with the Customizable Favorite Settings functions. Simply save the media profiles of the media players you use the most and enjoy fast access for your future conversions.

Ultra Fast Universal Media Converter:
• Ultra fast media conversion with batch & multi-thread conversion
• Smart Detection of the best media profile of the connected device
• Direct Sync for various media devices: iPhone, iPad, PSP, ...etc.
• Enhance video quality instantly with TrueTheater™ Technology
• Extensive media format support – video, photo and music files
• Optimized for Intel Core™ i3, i5, and i7, NVIDIA® CUDA™, & ATI® Stream™ for fast performances
• Share media to Facebook, Youtube and output to iTunes

Program Information
CyberLink MediaEspresso
Version: 6.5.1229.33995
Year: 2011
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: multilingual (crack)
Medicine: keygen
Size: 274 Mb



Available for users only
Category: Web development software | Views: 1637 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

NetSarang XManager Enterprise - незаменимое решение для управления удаленными серверными системами! Это высокопроизводительный сервер X window X11R6 на базе обычного персонального компьютера под управлением операционной системы Microsoft Windows. Пакет обеспечивает пользователям всеобъемлющий контроль над удаленными серверными системами, позволяет предоставлять общий доступ к приложениям и осуществлять безопасный обмен файлам и заданиями печати между разнородными системами с любой рабочей станции под управлением операционной системы Windows. Таким образом, все вычислительные ресурсы организации могут быть интегрированы в единую сетевую среду, где они окажутся доступными для всех пользователей. Является незаменимым для любых современных организаций, обладающих комплексной сетевой инфраструктурой. Удобный интерфейс позволяет запускать приложения UNIX с той же легкостью, что и обычные программы Windows. Решение Xmanager обеспечивает максимально эффективное взаимодействие между сетевыми средами на базе UNIX/Linux и Windows.

Ключевые преимущества:
» Высокопроизводительный 32-битный сервер X window X11R6 на базе обычного персонального компьютера.
» Совместимость с операционными системами Windows 95/98/ME и NT/2000/XP/2003.
» Совместимость с терминалами Windows.
» Поддержка нескольких мониторов.
» Подключение по протоколам XDMCP, SSH, RSH, REXEC, RLOGIN и TELNET.
» Поддержка протокола SSH (Secure Shell v1 & v2) программой Xstart.
» Простая в использовании утилита Xbrowser для управления подключениями XDMCP.
» Организация многочисленных сеансов XDMCP средствами программы Xbrowser.
» Многократно используемые, перемещаемые файлы сеансов Xstart.
» До 128 клиентских подключений.
» Одно- и многооконный режимы работы.
» Удаленный диспетчер окон (window manager), работающий в многооконном режиме.
» Автоматическое переключение между локальным и удаленным диспетчерами окон.
» Поддержка фонов X window в многооконном режиме.
» Виртуальный рабочий стол 32768x32768, доступный в однооконном режиме.
» Возможность панорамирования при работе с локальным диспетчером окон.
» Поддержка колесика мыши.
» Эмуляция трехкнопочной мыши (правая кнопка может выполнять функции средней кнопки).
» Графический редактор клавиатуры keysym editor для интернациональных пользователей.
» Поддержка звуковых оповещений о событиях в системе X window (X Bell).
» Поддержка 256 цветов и более высокого качества цветопередачи.
» Эмуляция качества цветопередачи 256 цветов при работе с видеокартами, поддерживающими режим true color.
» Превосходный механизм создания плоских масок.
» Поддержка серверов шрифтов.
» Поддержка вспомогательных запоминающих устройств.
» Автоматическая подстановка шрифтов.
» Автоматическая подстановка цветов в псевдоцветном представлении.
» Возможность свободного переноса файлов между приложениями X и MS Windows.

Xmanager Enterprise enables users to control remote server systems, to use remote applications, and to transfer files and printing jobs between heterogeneous systems securely from their Windows workstation so that it makes possible to integrate the entire corporate computing resources into a networked whole for each user. Xmanager Enterprise is a must-have connectivity solution in today\'s complex corporate network environment. Xmanager Enterprise is an all-in-one solution that includes Xmanager 3D, Xshell, Xftp and Xlpd in a single package. Xmanager 3D lets you share 3D (OpenGL) X window applications, and Xshell enables you to manage remote Unix/Linux servers with a secure terminal. Xftp allows you to transfer files between systems easily and securely. In addition, Xlpd offers local printing for remote documents on other systems.

All programs included in this product share a common SSH (Secure Shell) security module and interoperate with one another. This provides customers with a great convenience and improved productivity that cannot be found on any other competing products. Since these various features are integrated into a single package, customers can expect easier purchase, installation and maintenance as well as reduced total cost of ownership.

The New Standard of Secure Connectivity Solution
Xmanager Enterprise enables users to control remote server systems, to use remote applications, and to transfer files and printing jobs between heterogeneous systems securely from their Windows workstation so that it makes possible to integrate the entire corporate computing resources into a networked whole for each user. Xmanager Enterprise is a must-have connectivity solution in today\'s complex corporate network environment.

Xmanager Enterprise 3.0 includes:
- Xmanager 3D: A PC X server program with a GLX (OpenGL) extension
- Xshell: An SSH client program that supports SSH1/SSH2 protocols
- Xftp: A secure file transfer program
- Xlpd: A printer server program

OC/OS: Windows All
Язык/Language: англ/english


Available for users onlyhttp://hotfile.com/dl....ar.html
Category: Web development software | Views: 1791 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

XML Menu Suite - Прекрасный визуальный редактор, предназначенный для создания красивых и быстрых DHTML-меню, основанных на XML и CSS. Созданные меню будут на 100% соответствовать мировым DHTML-стандартам и совместимы со всеми существующими браузерами! Поддерживаются, как европейские, так и азиатские символы. В программе имеется более 60 шаблонов.

XML Menu Suite - The Visual Menu Builder! Visually create DHTML menus using XML data and CSS stylesheets. The world's only 100% standards compliant DHTML menu! No Flash or plugins required. Multi-column menu support; Menu Scroller; Animation Effects; Easy 5 step wizard; Blazingly fast load speeds; Full character support; Cross-Browser; Search Engine Optimized


- Multi-column menu support
- Horizontal, vertical, or tabbed menus
- Blazingly fast load speeds
- XML or javascript data loading
- CSS styling
- Supports XHTML
- Supports all Asian and European characters
- Rounded drop shadows
- Menu Scroller
- Animation Effects
- Cross-browser

Graphical Interface:
- Seamless rounded corner creation
- Easy 5 step wizard
- Over 60 templates to choose from
- Easily move/copy/paste menu items
- Easily create/modify existing menus
- Rich content editor
- Rich style editor
- Rich color picker
- Rich background/inline graphic picker
- Full User's Guide
- Creates XML Sitemaps
- Free upgrades
- Search-Engine Friendly

Cross Browser Support:
- Internet Explorer 6.0 and above
- Firefox 2.0 and above
- Netscape 9.0 and above
- Opera 9.0 and above
- Safari 2.0 and above
- Google Chrome (All versions)
(All Browsers have been tested on Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh platforms)

OS: WinAll
Language: English


Category: Web development software | Views: 1889 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

PHPRunner - программа создает визуально приятный веб-интерфейс для местных или удаленных баз данных MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server и Oracle. Посетители вашего сайта легко смогут искать, добавлять, редактировать, удалять и экспортировать данные вашей базы данных. Опции повышенной безопасности позволяют создавать веб-сайты для защищенных паролем пользователей. PHPRunner прост в освоении, так что вы сможете создать ваш первый проект за 15 минут. Программа обладает понятным и легким в использовании пользовательским интерфейсом.


- Понятный и легкий в использовании интерфейс
- Многочисленные режимы поиска
- Добавление, просмотр, редактирование, копирование и удаление страниц
- Встроенный FTP-клиент для загрузки PHP-страниц на веб-сервер
- Страницы регистрации пользователей, напоминания и смены пароля
- Поддержка многоязычных шаблонов
- Создание защищенных паролем PHP-страниц


- Экономия времени и денег
- Улучшение функциональности вашего веб-сайта
- Создание надежного и легко редактируемого кода
- Простота в использовании
- Не требуется знаний программирования

PHPRunner builds visually appealing web interface for popular databases. Your web site visitors will be able to easily search, add, edit, delete and export data in MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, and Postgre databases. PHPRunner is easy to learn so you can build your first web site in just fifteen minutes.

Design your database driven website in hours. Two benefits of PHPRunner are php form generator and php code generator builds dynamic database driven sites. Once built, the pages are easily navigated: in fact, visitors to your site will effortlessly be able to search, edit, delete, add, and even export data in MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Postgre, and even Microsoft Access databases. Our top notch php code generator and php form generator interface in PHPRunner software makes it possible for anyone to generate the code use it over and over – the applications of such databases as these are endless!

With PHPRunner, you have the ability to develop easily and quickly – and without ANY knowledge of coding or programming knowledge. You simply determine what database fields you want and our php code generator and php form generator does the rest. In no time PHPRunner produces the code that you can then upload straight to your site! In less than an hour, you can have a professional looking site just like the big guys – without ever having to write one line of code! PHPRunner allows you easily manage your web databases and puts you in complete control.

OS: WinAll
Language: English


Available for users onlyhttp://hotfile.com/dl....r.html
Category: Web development software | Views: 2159 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

Help & Manual - удобный инструмент, упрощающий создание справочных файлов Windows, печать справочных руководств и документации в целом. Программа имеет простой и удобный в работе интерфейс. Все созданные проекты можно сохранить в различных форматах: HTML Help, Winhelp и MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help, Browser-based Help, PDF и Word RTF, а также печатной документации при использовании одного и того же проекта. Help & Manual объединяет в основном окне оглавление (в виде древовидного списка) и текстовый редактор. Это позволяет легко ориентироваться в оглавлении, редактировать или перемещать разделы справки без большой суеты. Кроме этого, программа позволяет конвертировать help-файлы из одного формата в другой. Помимо программ для работы с текстом в Help & Manual включены утилиты для создания скриншотов и редактирования графических файлов.

Help & Manual is a documentation tool and content management system for both single and multi-author editing. While it is as easy to use like a normal word processor, Help & Manual gives you the full power of a true WYSIWYG XML editor. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Intuitive working environment
Help & Manualґs working environment gives you all the formatting and editing features of a modern word processor, including dynamic styles and complex tables. This is combined with powerful features for generating and editing help and documentation files, including full support for multimedia and complex modular projects. Your projects are displayed and edited with the same hierarchical tree structure used by all Windows help formats. The editor and content tree view are combined in a single window. Editing topics and manipulating the structure of your projects is fast and intuitive.

Single source, Multiple output
Single source is much more than just outputting exactly the same information to different formats. Help & Manual supports conditional and customized output features that enable you to include variant content versions for different output formats and purposes – all in the same project, no post-processing is required.

Help & Manual handles all the complexities of help formatting and generation for you, letting you concentrate on the work of writing. But there is also extensive support for power users and experienced help authors. You can get under the hood and insert your own HTML code, change the code the program uses to generate your projects, manipulate topic and project templates and more.

» Individual installation per workstation
» Multi-user editing
» Edit XML sources directly
» Uncompressed XML data sources
» Unicode support
» Localization support
» Template Support
» Export with skins
» Create user defined skins
» Single source
» Text Variables
» Dynamic cascading styles
» Toggles (dynamic HTML)
» Integrated hotspot editor
» Comments and bookmarks
» Modular help

OS: WinAll
Language: English


Category: Web development software | Views: 1407 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

BatchPhoto Pro - помощь начинающему фотографу справиться с коррекцией фотографий и не задумываться об установке сложных в работе программ вроде фотошопа (и, кстати, более функциональная, чем iCorrect OneClick). По словам разработчика, всего за одну операцию можно легко подкорректировать или выправить картинку, применить эффекты (более 30), а также пакетно переименовать до нескольких тысяч файлов. Все просто - выделяете группу картинок и правите их одним махом все вместе.

Программа содержить функции предпросмотра применения фильтра, чтобы вы могли видеть возможный результат заранее, корректировать можно все основные параметры: яркость, четкость, насыщенность, цифровой мусор, можно также выравнивать изображение, обрезать или уменьшать (программа учитывает ориентацию кадра, чтобы вам не пришлось лишний раз думать), корректировать баланс белого, улучшать… есть функции вставки цифровых данных из тегов самого файла изображения или просто текстовые надписи.

BatchPhoto is a powerful photo manipulation program that makes it easy to touch-up, annotate, transform, apply effects, and rename hundreds of photos in a single operation. Instead of enhancing and adjusting pictures individually, BatchPhoto lets you select a group of pictures, define a series of edits, and apply them in a single operation.

BatchPhoto's main features:

Graphic Filters (see the complete list)
• Annotate: Add Date/Time, Comments, and Watermarks
• Transform: Resize Pictures, Automatically Rotate Photos (new), Crop, and more
• Touch-Up: Adjust Brightness, Sharpness, Contrast, Colors, Reduce Noise, and more
• Add Effects: Apply Sepia, Black & White, Frames, Charcoal Sketch, Oil Paint, Shade, Swirl, and more

• New: RAW Development. Batch Convert RAW Photos from Digital Camera Makers like: Canon, Sony, Nikon, Olympus, Fuji, Kodak, Pentax and more!
• Take Advantage of Multi-Core Processors for Editing Batches of Photos!
• Convert Pictures from one Image Format to Another (More Than 130 Image Formats Supported)
• Rename Photos with Meaningful Names
• Apply Profiles on Multiple Pictures with the Right Mouse Click Directly from Windows® Explorer
• Use Projects and Profiles to Improve Your Productivity
• Take advantage of accurate previews for both the original and the enhanced photos

OS: Windows© including XP/Vista/7
Language: English


Category: Web development software | Views: 1589 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

FlashFXP - FTP-клиент, поддерживающий любые типы соединения, умеющий работать через фаейрволл и поддерживающий протоколы защищенных соединений SSL/TSL. Программа может импортировать списки сайтов из многих популярных FTP-клиентов. Есть удобная функция - список отложенных заданий, которая позволит возобновить неоконченную загрузку в любое время. В программе имеется возможность автоматизировать загрузки, используя параметры командной строки.

Программа позволяет производить и организовывать передачу данных не только между локальным компьютером, но и двумя удаленными FTP-серверами. Используя FlashFXP, очень удобно производить загрузку файлов, которые расположены в разных папках или даже на разных FTP -серверах. Все файлы, которые необходимо скачать, можно поместить в очередь. Программа запомнит их расположение, при старте загрузки выполнит соединение с сервером, перейдет в нужную папку и начнет закачку. Имеет простой и понятный пользовательский интерфейс с полной поддержкой русского языка.

Несомненным преимуществом поддержки стандарта FXP является то, что на конечных пользователей, желающих скопировать файлы с одного FTP-сервера на другой, уже не действует ограничение пропускной способности их собственного интернет-соединения. Нет необходимости скачивать себе файл, чтобы потом положить его на другой FTP-сервер. Таким образом, время передачи файлов будет зависеть только от скорости соединения между двумя удаленными FTP-серверами, которая в большинстве случаев заведомо больше пользовательской.

В данном менеджере имеется множество полезных функций, к примеру, грамотное составление правил позволит избавиться от рутинного кликания по кнопкам "заменить", "пропустить" и т.д. Также в данной программе пользователю будет удобна и функция синхронизации каталогов. Присутствует система фильтров, позволяющая автоматизировать исключения по типам файлов в очереди закачки. В целом, тем, кто более-менее знаком с FTP-клиентами, не составит ни малейшего труда разобраться в данной программе. К тому же программа имеет многоязычный интерфейс, включая поддержку русского языка.

FlashFXP - FTP-client that supports all types of connections, able to work through faeyrvoll and supports Secure Socket SSL / TSL. The program can import lists of sites from many popular FTP-clients. There is a handy feature - a list of pending tasks, which will resume unfinished downloads at any time. The program has the ability to automate downloading using command line parameters.

The program allows you to produce and organize the data not only between the local computer, but also two remote FTP-servers. Using FlashFXP, very convenient to download files that are located in different folders, or even on different FTP-servers. All the files you want to download, you can put in place. The program will remember the location, when you start downloading you connect to the server, go into the folder and start the download. Has a simple and intuitive user interface with full support for Russian language.

Undoubted advantage of standard support FXP is that end users who want to copy files from one FTP-server to another, no longer works on bandwidth limiting their own Internet connection. No need to download the file yourself, then to put it on another FTP-server. Thus, the file transfer will depend on the speed of the connection between two remote FTP-server, which in most cases, certainly larger than the user.

This manager has many useful functions, for example, well-written rules will get rid of the routine Clicking on the button "Replace", "skip", etc. Also in this program, the user will be comfortable and function directory synchronization. There is a system of filters to automate exception of file types to upload queue. In general, those who are more or less familiar with the FTP-clients do not make the slightest understanding of labor in this program. In addition, the program has a multilingual interface, including support for Russian language.

Key features:
- Full support for gigabit-speed connections
- Support for MODE Z compression for streaming on the fly
- Set a limit on the speed of download and upload
- Optimized caching of remote directory lists
- Secure connection (TLS / SSL)
- Supports one-time passwords
- Strong Encryption used for the site manager, in order to protect information
- Connect to sites using TLS / SSL for extra security
- Data transfer from site to site
- Fully recursive file transfer (upload, download)
- Caching allows you to view offline
- Support for firewall
- FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy Support Socks 4 and Socks 5 (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy, etc)
- Full multilanguage support
- Simple and Advanced Image
- Advanced queue control
- Schedule of transmission
- Internally timetable for the transfer and stopping a queue at a given time
- Enhanced functionality for features Drag-and-Drop
- Import site listings from Cute FTP, WSFTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP and Bullet Proof, including passwords
- Minimize the program to system tray
- Create a backup or restore of all sites or settings
- Search remote FTP
- Counting the size of all files in this directory

Changes in FlashFXP v4.0.0.1531 @ 01/30/2011:
- Fixed task scheduler> task> expiration date, The value would save but when re-editing the task it would be unset, so saving the task would unset the expiration date.
- Fixed a logic error when attempting to edit a remote file and permission is denied, the file still opened for edit even though the transfer failed.
- Added additional checking when using a custom data folder in FlashFXP, previously a generic error message was used and in some cases it was incorrect.

Operating system: Windows ® XP/Vista/7
Language: Multi (Russian)
Released: 2011
Size: 5.32 Mb


Category: Web development software | Views: 1897 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (2)

3D FTP - многофункциональный FTP клиент с 3D, фото-реалистичным интерфейсом, полностью настраиваемым пользователем (использование скинов, которые можно скачать с узла производителя или создать самому). Редактор скинов с сотней заготовок. Быстрый клиент со стандартным набором функций: докачка файлов, сортировкой, поиском наиболее скоростного узла, мониторинг процесса передачи файлов, быстрый доступ к наиболее часто посещаемым сайтам, система поиска, поддержка функции Drag-and-Drop, закачка по расписанию. Также программа поддерживает скачивание файлов по HTTP протоколу, при это показывая скорость скачивания, имеет множество плагинов.

Является идеальным решением для:
- Публикации веб-сайтов
- Удаленного редактирования файлов
- Удаленного создания резервных копий
- Закачки изображений на сайты аукционов, таких как eBay
- Скачивания игр и музыки
- Скачивания программ и утилит
- Скачивания лог-файлов

- Быстрая многопоточная передача данных
- Передача данных в фоновом режиме
- Синхронизация папок
- Закладки
- Планирование задач
- Пользовательские команды с использованием макросов
- Автоматическое возобновление и пересоединение
- Ведение логов для сессий и передач
- Удаленный редактор
- Менеджер сайтов с возможностью импорта
- Отображение общего размера папок
- Отображение дерева папок
- Печать списков директорий
- Выбор различных тем для конфигурирования вида программы
- Поддержка безлимитного размера файлов (выше 4 Гб)
- Полная поддержка Windows Vista.

3D-FTP is a fully featured and secure FTP Client software for transferring files between your computer and FTP, FTPS and SFTP servers. 3D-FTP uses the MultiWire™ transfer engine to help you transfer files up to 20x faster. Update your web site or download huge log files in a fraction of time normally taken with the other FTP Clients.

3D-FTP is the perfect solution for:
* Web site publishing
* Remote file editing
* Secure remote server backups
* Uploading images to auction sites such as eBay
* Downloading game demos and mp3 music files
* Downloading free programs and utilities
* Downloading log files.

3D-FTP 9.0 Features at a Glance

Fast multithreaded transfers
Secure transfers using FTPS and SFTP over SSH protocols
Background transfers
Transfer speed limiter
Folder synchronization
Recurring scheduling
Custom commands with macros
Autoresume and Autoreconnect
Session and Transfer logging
Remote editor with color syntax highlighting for HTML, Javascript code, etc.
Site Manager with Import
Folder total size with Tree view
Print directory listings
Selectable Themes to customize looks
Automatic compression with MODE Z
UTF-8 support
Unlimited file size support for files over 4GB+
Support for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit editions
Full Windows 7 support

Язык/Language: англ/english
OC/OS: Windows 98, Me, NT4 , 2000, 2003 Server , 2008 Server, Vista, Windows 7
Homepage: http://anonym.to/?http://3dftp.com/


Available for users onlyhttp://hotfile.com/dl....ar.html
Category: Web development software | Views: 1901 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

WIT, программа создания сайтов Web и управления их содержанием. WebIdeaTree организует ваши идеи и публикует их несколькими щелчками мышки. Создание сайтов Web становится простым и упорядоченным : не нужно знание HTML, но одновременно опытные пользователи могут полностью управлять генерируемым кодом. WebIdeaTree дает вам производительность, и позволяет вам фокусироваться на смысловой стороне : организуйте ваши идеи в древовидную структуру, добавьте некие тексты, рисунки или связи к документам, шаблоны стиля и структуры, и мгновенно создавайте полный сайт.

WebIdeaTree управляет всеми техническими тонкостями за вас и гарантирует согласованность всех связей, и даже когда вы перемещаете информацию. Вам не надо оддерживать генерируемый код : просто изменяйте ваши идеи и затем повторно создайте сайт Web.
Вы экономите время : создаете сотни страниц в течении секунд.

Вы также можете вставлять элементы динамического поведения (сценарии javascript, PHP, ASP...), и создавать новые стили (стилевые таблицы CSS и правила генерирования кода).

WebIdeaTree создает автономные сайты Web : просматривайте их локально как электронные книги, или выгружайте их через FTP на серверы Интранет или Интернет.

WebIdeaTree имеет встроенный в программное обеспечение учебник и полную контекстуальную интерактивную систему Справки.

WebIdeaTree was developed to be a website creating application, to organize your ideas and publish them in a few mouse clicks. Web site creation is easy and methodical : no HTML skills required, but expert users can keep full control over generated code. WebIdeaTree makes you efficient, and you stay focused on what you mean : organize your ideas in a tree, add some text, images or links to documents, a style and structure template, and instantly build the whole site.

WebIdeaTree deals with all technical details for you, and ensures consistency of all links. You don't have to maintain the generated code : just modify your ideas, then rebuild the Web site. You save time : build hundreds of pages in seconds. You also may insert dynamic behaviors (javascript, PHP, ASP...), and create new styles (CSS style sheets and code generation rules). WebIdeaTree produces stand alone Web sites : browse them locally , as electronic books, or upload them with FTP on Intranet or Internet servers. WebIdeaTree has a tutorial and a full contextual on-line help, all built by the software.

Use WIT power to :
manage, categorize and index your personal information and knowledge,
capture information from the Web and other applications,
organize your tasks, and follow their progress,
attach documents and multimedia contents,
create bibliographies, glossaries and indexes with full vocabulary control,
build and maintain 10, 100 or 1000 page web sites,
create efficient and professional looking intranets or electronic books,
and much more...

Here are some key features of "WebIdeaTree":
· Graphical organization of ideas,
· Instant preview of Web pages, and intuitive site browsing,
· External data import (formated texts, images, delimited data lists(records), database tables ODBC)),
· WYSIWYG text editing,
· Multi dcument and multi views editing.
· Unlimited document and Web site size.
· Capture of formatted text (coming from Internet pages and numerous softwares such as Word or Excel),
· Compilation and references to external documents and URLs,
· Integration of images (locally or on the Internet), and multimedia contents(sound, video and image),
· Automated import of HTML documents, images and folders,
· Auto import of any copy made in the Windows clipboard.
· Bibliographic references handling,
· Automatic glossary and tables of contents builder,
· Automatic table of image thumbnails builder,
· Assisted build of rational indexes from keyword lists,
· Hypertext references are automatically built and kept consistent,
· Error detection (missing documents, cross references broken),
· Reports on used resources (images, documents, URLs), for cross referencing.
· Faceted classifications
· Automatic generation of consistent and full browsable Web sites with navigation menus,
· Pre-defined structure and style templates which apply to whole site,
· Precise control over structure and style of generated Web pages,
· Full contextual help, FAQ and tutorial built with WIT,
· Direct editing of raw HTML code (expert mode),
· Support of foreign character encodings or right to left scripting languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc...
· Support of all HTML tags : forms and tables, etc...
· Support of client side scripts (javascript...), or server side scripts (PHP, ASP, etc...).
· Fast generated HTML code, well formed, compact and XHTML + CSS compliant,
· Meta tags are built from keywords and titles for an efficient indexing by Internet search engines,
· Automatic FTP upload of Web sites (only modified files).

OC/OS: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008 and Seven.
Язык/Language: англ/English, French, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Swedish and Russian.
Официальный сайт/Homepage:http://anonym.to/?http://www.webideatree.com/


Category: Web development software | Views: 1349 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

Xara3DMaker - Программа для создания трехмерных и анимированных текстов
With Xara 3D Maker you can create an endless variety of 3D graphics from TrueType fonts or imported 2D shapes, with simple controls to alter the extrude depth, lighting, bevel, color and texture, shadow, font size and type.And there's a whole range of animation possibilities including multi-page sequences and even animated 3D screensavers. Graphics are fully anti-aliased for the best possible on-screen quality and can be optimized for web use. Imports WMF/EMF, CorelXARA and Webster files, exports GIF, Flash, JPEG, PNG, AVI or BMP.

Xara 3D Maker is used both by professional web graphic designers and home computer users to make animated gifs, buttons, banner graphics and titles for presentations and web pages.

Here are some key features of "Xara 3D Maker (formerly Xara 3D)":

Creating and Importing:
· Text headings can use any TrueType font
· Full text control, including alignment, superscript, line spacing, tracking and kerning values for individual characters or over whole selections
· Instant access to full character sets from within the text dialog
· Create non-text headings by importing 2D graphics as Windows metafiles (WMF and EMF) or CorelXARA/Webster files (XAR and WEB) and extruding the outlines
· An automatic design-making tool instantly converts any text heading into a button, board or board with holes
· Full anti-aliasing for the best possible on-screen display quality

Editing and Applying Special Effects:
· Interactive control over the 3D extrude depth - simply click and drag on the image
· Unlimited undo makes experimentation easy
· Real-time 3D positioning around three axes by simply dragging the image on screen
· Areas of text can be selected, and different attributes such as bevel, color, fonts, textures, animation and text settings applied
· The Style Picker allows you to easily grab any or all of the settings of one image and apply them to another
· A total of 27 different bevel types with adjustable bevel size
· Interactive, easy-to-use lighting controls (three adjustable light arrows which can be dragged on-screen)
· Flexible interactive controls over the color and/or texture of every part of the image, and the background
· A total of 37 textures are included in the download, and there are 400+ on the CD-ROM you receive when you purchase. You can also import your own GIF or PNG files
· Textures can be scaled, rotated and colored
· Images can be displayed with front and back faces, or can be made hollow
· Images can be matt or shiny
· Images can have a soft-edged shadow and an intuitive interface allows you to easily alter the shadow blur, transparency and color
· Real-time solid shading with optional error-diffusion dithering for top quality results

· Images can be animated in many different ways (see examples), such as Rotate, Fade, Pulsate, Step, Fade and Swing, using a simple interface - see screenshot
· The Animation Picker lets you easily copy the animation settings of one image to another - see screenshot
· Apply different animations to individual characters or sections of text
· Step-through multi-page animations of different images
· The number of frames in a sequence, the rotation direction, the speed, pause and number of loops can all be selected through simple controls
· An animation time line allows you to step through each frame, pause and export a single frame
· Lights and text can be rotated separately
· Great for creating animated buttons

Exporting your results:
· Outputs JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG (including full PNG alpha channel), ICO (icon), CUR (cursor), animated GIF, AVI and SWF (vector and bitmap)
· Any 3D animation can also be exported as a screensaver
· Optional background transparency
· Color reduction and palette-optimization for maximum quality with the smallest file size, ideal for web pages and presentations - see screenshot
· Complete control over the image size, including a handy Fit To Width feature (with pixel size shown on screen)

· 256Mb RAM
· 150MB of available hard-disk space

New in V7:
A View Options panel which gives additional advanced control over the X/Y position of an image against its background, allows you to precisely change the angle of rotation and viewpoint, and offers a new wireframe mode which can simplify the display and speed up animation viewing time.



Available for users onlyhttp://hotfile.com/dl/106224511/56d39aa/X3D_Maker_7.0.0.415.rar.html
Category: Web development software | Views: 1789 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (3)

CamPaper - a small program that allows selecting from a list of webcams in different countries, set a transferred image on your desktop. Make your desktop a window to the world.

Some Live Camera Locations:

BC - Vancouver, English Bay, Ports, Kitsilano, Jerico, Westminster, Beluga whales in an aquarium
BC - Vancouver Island, Parksville, Victoria OakBay, Cowichan, Saanichton
AB - Vernon, Banff, Calgary
ON - Niagara Falls, Mississauga
NS - Halifax University, Peggy's Harbor, many others

New York - New York
NJ - Newark
FL - Ft. Lauderdale
California - San Francisco, Sausalito, LA Altadena, zebra, camels, Balboa Ferry, Balboa Yacht Club, Huntington Beach
FL - Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale
Wyoming - Jackson Hole
Max - Maui
AK - Homer
MO - St. Louis
NC - Surf City
Universities - Arizona, Vermont, Washington, Tacoma, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, South Carolina Roach camera, UCLA - Mt. Wilson
National parks - Acadia, Washington DC, Great Smoky Mountains, Mammoth Cave, Theodore Roosevelt, Big Bend National Park, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Sequoia-Kings Canyon, Point Reyes, Mount Rainier, North Cascades, Olympic, Glacier, Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone, Mammoth, Yosemite, Kilauea Volcano Pu `U` O `O in the crater, Mount St. Helens
Other - Willard Library Ghost Cams, Wild Eagle Cam, Butterfly Cam

Riviera Maya


French West Indies, St. Maarten / St. Martin

Scotland - LockNess
Liverpool - Mathew St



Mt. Fuji


Paris - Eiffel Tower



Heidelberg, Walddun, museum, Franken

Barcelona Beaches


Port - Westerschelde, Netherlands Antilles Bonaire Marine Park



Canary Islands

Mauterndorf, Hallstatt, Bad Gastein

Pesaro Urbino, Rivergaro, Portofino, Colfosco, Genoa


Canal Miraflores, Gatun, a bridge

Sydney, Victoria, Darwin, Perth, Hobart


St. Petersburg, Moscow - various, Volgograd

Scott Base

Cruise Ship - Crystal Cruises
Greenpeace Ship
World Earthquakes
North America Weather maps, satellite, radar, Doppler radar Oklahoma
Live Telescope Sky
(More or less cameras are changing over time)

A small application able to download Webcam pictures and set them as wallpapers - CamPaper is a small application able to download Webcam pictures and set them as wallpapers. Select a Web camera from our list and it will automatically update your wallpaper with captured image. Great worldwide views are painted onto your desktop. This is a unique product that males your desktop a window on the world.

OS: Windows All
Language: English / english
Homepage: http://anonym.to/?http://www.campaper.com/


Category: Web development software | Views: 1537 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

TopStyle - one of the best editors, CSS, and HTML code for the operating systems Windows. The program contains everything you could need to create style sheets, correct with respect to all browsers. Easily ported into your HTML-editor and used by default at the system level for all files with CSS. Indispensable for creating and maintaining large sites and projects. For example, the Link Wizard function allows you to link all the pages of a project file of the style, which is the very same program and create. You just need to specify the location where you store all the pages. The editor has syntax highlighting CSS, ASP, PHP and HTML. Tag CSS and HTML autocompletion have attributes.

Information about the program:
Name: TopStyle + Portable
Size: 9 / 9 Mb
Year: 2011
Medicine: (serial)
Platform: Windows 7, Vista, XP
Language: English




Available for users only
Category: Web development software | Views: 2480 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

Geoweb3d Desktop is a standalone GIS visualization application that makes creating advanced 3D graphics from GIS data an easy task. It is designed for users that want a comprehensive and highly capable geo visualization product without having to know how to develop software or have knowledge of 3D graphics.

The product integrates our 3D visualization engine, a web browser engine, and ArcGIS Engine wrapped in an easy to learn, innovative user interface that is intuitive and fun to use.

Оф.сайт / Homepage: www.geoweb3d.com
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 109.3 Mb



Available for users only
Category: Web development software | Views: 1991 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

The main purpose of the program - removal of screenshots from the monitor screen, and SnagIt is able to do not only static graphic "pictures" of the selected area, but also, for example, record a video in what is happening on the screen, and capture an image of the applications that use Direct X, DirectDraw and Direct 3D.

Built-in editor lets you add annotations to a screenshot, description, something to emphasize, insert at need in the right place, for example, arrow, etc. In addition, the program allows you to "pull" the text therefrom, whence it does not move with the Copy / Paste. From additional functions: support of work with scanners and digital cameras, as well as the ability to automatically send the program made screenshots of the website. And lots of other trifles: Management of hot keys, possibility to use presets, pulling icons and other graphics from EXE and DLL, removal of a screenshot from a web page that requires scrolling to view, and much more.

What's New in This Release:

Added support for image and text scrolling capture on Internet Explorer and Firefox Sept. 4.
Fixed a bug where Snagit crashes or is sluggish when used on a system with multiple monitors.
Fixed a bug where Snagit Editor hangs or crashes when saving an image.
Fixed a problem with custom scrolling where the left side of the captured image was cut-off.
Fixed a crash bug related to USB storage device notifications.
Fixed a problem with Active window capture where a completely transparent capture was taken.
Fixed a bug where Snagit Editor would crash on startup in environments with network printers.
Fixed a problem with the image resizing dialog where in some situations it would not allow changing the height and / or width.

Year: 2011
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: english
Medicine : present
Size: 31.2 MB




Category: Web development software | Views: 1651 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (2)

Corel Designer Technical Suite X5 v15.2.0.686 | 850MB

Create illustrations, diagrams and technical documentation with confidence with Corel DESIGNER® Technical Suite X5, the complete solution for visual technical communications. With industry-leading file compatibility, 3D repurposing, precise drawing tools and intuitive features, it supports your entire workflow.

Publish technical documentation online or in print thanks to support for WebCGM, S1000D and other standards. Optimize your workflow and increase productivity with Corel DESIGNER® Technical Suite X5. Start projects quickly with industry-leading file compatibility and 3D re-purposing with optional support for CATIA®, Pro/Engineer® and other native 3D formats. Create illustrations and technical documentation with confidence using dedicated technical drawing tools and intuitive features. Enjoy the versatility to take on a wide range of technical graphics projects with a complete visual communication suite. Publish online or in print thanks to support for PDF, WebCGM, S1000D and other standards.

Market-leading standards compliance and file format support
Create and deliver standardized technical documentation with support for leading formats, including WebCGM 2.0/2.1 and S1000D. Confidently exchange files with colleagues and clients thanks to updated and enhanced support for more than 100 file formats, including AutoCAD® DWG™ and DXF™, Microsoft® Visio® (VSD), SVG, DOCX, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and more. Corel DESIGNER® X5 also offers enhanced support for Adobe products, including AI, PSD and PDF files.

Enhanced 3D visualization options
Open, work with and output 3D models, such as AutoCAD DWG and DXF, 3DS and Google® SketchUp™ with Right Hemisphere® Deep Exploration™ 6 CSE. Work more efficiently with new task-oriented workspaces for Technical Illustration, Authoring Training material, and Sales and Marketing collateral creation. This release also includes new transparent background on raytraced rendering in hybrid illustration/bitmap output to Corel DESIGNER and new photo-realistic HDR rendering output to Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™.

Built-in content organizer
Quickly find graphical assets on your computer, network or external storage device or online sources with Corel® CONNECT™, the full-screen browser (also available as a docker within Corel DESIGNER®, CorelDRAW® and Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™). For easy access, you can keep a collection of content in the tray, which is synchronized between the browser and the dockers.

Includes CorelDRAW X5 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5
For the first time, Corel DESIGNER® Technical Suite includes CorelDRAW X5, adding a powerful and intuitive creative vector illustration and page layout tool for complementary tasks. The latest version of Corel PHOTO-PAINT is also included, offering an easy way to enhance and retouch photos to include in your work.

Complete technical graphics suite for technical diagrams, illustrations and schematics

* A complete technical graphics suite at an affordable price
* Technical illustration and design tools in an intuitive graphics environment
* Market-leading compatibility and industry standards compliance
* 3D visualization support – open and work with AutoCAD® DWG™ & DXF™, Google® SketchUp™ and 3DS files
* Built on CorelDRAW® — Includes CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 applications

What’s Included:
* Corel DESIGNER® X5 – precision illustration and technical design software
* CorelDRAW® X5 – creative illustration and page layout software
* Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™ X5 – easy-to-use, professional image editing application
* Corel® PowerTRACE® X5 – fast, accurate bitmap-to-vector conversion tool
* Corel CAPTURE® X5 – one-click screen capture utility
* Corel® CONNECT™ – full-screen browser for searching digital content from your computer, network, external storage device or online sources
* Right Hemisphere® Deep Exploration™ 6 CSE – 3D visualization software
* Microsoft® Visual Studio® Tools for Applications (VSTA) and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) – powerful automation tools
* SWiSH miniMax™2* – easy flash animation software
* PhotoZoom Pro 2* – photo enlarger plug-in for Corel PHOTO-PAINT

Category: Web development software | Views: 2121 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (2)

MAGIX Video Easy HD v3.0.0.23 | 326.4 MB

MAGIX Video Easy HD - Editing videos Has Never Been Easier! Probably the world's easiest video editing program. MAGIX Video easy HD is the first video editing program made for the whole family. It's so easy to use that even beginners without any prior knowledge will be able to create breathtaking videos in just a short time. Transform footage of family get-togethers, vacations, or special events into DVDs or present your videos on the Internet with ease. Give it a try - you won't be disappointed!

Don't let your precious recordings simply gather dust on the shelf. In just a few minutes, you can cut videos with transitions, add text and background music, and even optimize image and sound. The finished films can then be conveniently burned onto DVD, saved as a file, and presented on the Internet. It's all so easy!

Here are some key features of "MAGIX Video Easy":
· Support for all standard camcorders, cameras & Smartphones: AVCHD, HDV, miniDV, iPad, iPhone etc.
· Easy-to-understand introductory video
· Improved performance: Up to 90% faster
· Practical connection and introduction wizard
· Automatic video editing wizard
· Record your own audio commentary
· New, clearly laid-out user interface with large buttons
· Extensive beginner's manual with step-by-step instructions
· Output to DVD, Blu-ray Disc, YouTube and as files
· Load videos directly onto YouTube and Facebook
· Direct export to mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Tab etc.)
· Project archiving on DVD and hard drives

· Import videos from any source
· Supports all conventional camcorders
· Also for AVCHD video cameras

· Remove unwanted scenes
· Add texts and effects
· Select menu and burn

· On your PC: Enjoy finished videos directly
· Burn projects to DVD or Blu-ray
· Upload and share your own videos

What's New in This Release:
· Up to 90% faster
· Completely revamped user interface and dialogs
· 20 new menu templates for DVDs and Blu-ray discs
· Record your own audio commentary
· Transfer HD video to iPad & and similar devices
· Upload HD video directly to Facebook





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Category: Web development software | Views: 2007 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (4)

Blumentals Rapid CSS 2011 v11.0.1.127 Multilingual | 7.9 MB

With Rapid CSS Editor you can quickly and easily create and edit cascading style sheets of any size and complexity. You can write the style sheet code manually or let the program do it for you. In each case it is easy because of the many helpful features, including auto complete, code inspector and CSS checker. Results are shown instantly with the built-in preview. Rapid CSS Editor is designed to save you time and make your job easier.

Key features:
• Advanced, fully customizable text editor
• HTML and XHTML editing features
• Syntax Highlighting for CSS and HTML documents
• CSS Checker and Validator
• CSS Code Explorer
• Code Inspector
• Code Auto Complete for CSS and HTML
• Instant Style Sheet Preview with Internet Explorer or FireFox
• X-Ray for HTML preview
• Compliance with CSS standards and various browsers
• Integration with W3C CSS and HTML validators
• Built-in CSS Reference
• CSS Code Formatter and Beautifier
• CSS Code Compressor
• Search and Replace with Regular Expression support
• Search and Replace in files
• Multi Item Clipboard
• Built-in File Explorer
• Save and open files directly from FTP
• Proect and site management and FTP publishing
• Fully customizable interface
• Integration with CSE HTML and CSS Validator
• Code collapse

New features and improvments:
• Improved text editor – updated text selection, undo and redo behavior
• Improved Code Explorer with filtering feature
• Improved Find and Find in Files
• New CSS definitions – IE 8, FireFox 3, Safari, iPhone
• Greatly improved Project Publishing dialog
• One-click publish all changes to web
• Improved FTP and SFTP stability and compatibility
• Auto complete for brackets and quotes
• Improved Color Picker
• Updated live syntax checker for PHP
• PHP 5 object oriented programming support
• Support for custom PHP libraries
• Powerful javascript support
• Internet Explorer 8 preview
• Many minor but effective usability enhancements
• Works with Windows 7
• Improved performance and robustness


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Category: Web development software | Views: 1642 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (3)

Blumentals WeBuilder 2011 v11.0.1.127 Multilingual | 12.6 MB

Create and edit any web page code faster and easier. WeBuilder is revolutionary all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs. Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, SSI, Perl code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner.

Benefits for professionals
Edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Ruby within single program
Clean, lightweight and extremely fast loading
Familiar interface allows to jumpstart
All essential code editing features are right at their place
Fully customizable text editor, menus, toolbars, shortcut keys
Efficiently reuse common code fragments
Few click FTP upload or update

Benefits for learners
Easy to learn and use
Various templates and code snippets
Quick start HTML and CSS wizards
Helps to learn HTML, CSS and even some scripts

Key Features
Speed - loads very quickly
Sophisticated, fully customizable and familiar text editor
Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, WML, XML
Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net, C#.Net, Ruby, eRuby, Perl, SQL
HTML5 and CSS3 support
UTF-8 and UTF-16 Unicode Support
Advanced HTML editing with Auto Complete, Inspector and other tools
Advanced CSS editing with built-in CSS editor More info
Advanced JavaScript editing with built-in JavaScript editor More info
Advanced PHP editing with built-in PHP editor More info
Advanced Ruby editing with built-in Ruby editor
Debug PHP code with xDebug debugger More info
Realtime PHP Syntax Check
Code snippet library and code templates More info
Save and open files directly from FTP/SFTP More info
Project management and FTP/SFTP publishing
Matching bracket highlighting
Matching and missing HTML tag highlighting
SQL database connectivity (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Interbase) More info
Search and Replace with Regular Expression Support
Search and Replace in files
Spell Checker for text in HTML code and TXT files
Code collapse
Support for jQuery, Prado, CodeIgniter, Yii and Symfony frameworks
Support for Smarty
Multi Item Clipboard
Ready to use Code Templates
SVN Support via TortoiseSVN and shell menus from File Explorer
Countless goodies (block select, line highlighting, text indentation etc.)

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Category: Web development software | Views: 2656 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

Blumentals Easy Button Menu Maker v2.2.0.14 | 9.2 MB

With Easy Button & Menu Maker you can easily create sophisticated buttons and professional dynamic menus for your website while investing just a few minutes of your time. More than 100 elegant design templates are included, reflecting various design styles such as so called Glass and Vista style. Unlike most other menu tools, Easy Button & Menu Maker provides direct WYSIWYG visual menu editor, so it is much easier and pleasant to work with. Menus created with Easy Button & Menu Maker are quick, compact and compatible with all modern web browsers.

Key Features
• Easily create cool web buttons
• Easily create dynamic multi-level website menus
• Direct visual WYSIWYG menu editor
• Use fonts of your choice
• Add icons to the buttons and menus
• Easily insert created buttons and menus in your website
• All Web browsers and systems are supported
• The generated code is valid and standards compliant
• GIF, PNG and JPEG image formats are supported
• UTF-8 Unicode is supported

Why choose Easy Button & Menu Maker?
• You get 2 great tools in a single package – button maker and menu maker
• Very latest Glass and Vista visual styles are supported
• Best value on the market, prices start from only $19.85
• Created menus are fast and lightweight
• Created menus do not require any additional software like Java and Flash
• Created menus are search engine friendly
• Generated code is valid according to XHTML 1.0 and CSS standards








Category: Web development software | Views: 2130 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (3)

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Blogger Widgets