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Main » 2012 » April » 11 » Pilgway 3d-Coat 3.5.05B (x32Bitx64Bit)
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Pilgway 3d-Coat 3.5.05B (x32Bitx64Bit)

Компания Pilgway Studio, принадлежащая украинским разработчикам, продолжает совершенствовать свою программу 3D-Coat 3.0, которая является удобным и полезным инструментом для текстурирования и детализации 3D-объектов, созданная для 3D-художников и дизайнеров, и ориентированная, в первую очередь, на разработчиков игр.

В новой версии 3D-Coat:
- Улучшены возможности скульптинга: Добавлен Voxel sculpting позволяющий работать без каких либо топологических ограничений. Он основан не на поверхностной деформации, а на построении и наполнении объема.
3D-Coat V3 поддерживает технологию NVIDIA CUDA которая увеличивает производительность при работе над объемным скульптингом.
- Per pixel painting - возможность попиксельного рисования на полигональных поверхностях.
- Улучшены инструменты для изменения топологии.
- Улучшен интерфейс. Новый настраиваемый интерфейс разбит на несколько функциональных панелей, у каждой из которых имеется собственный набор горячих клавиш и присоединяемых панелей.
- Улучшены инструменты для UV маппинга.
- Добавлена возможность визуализировать сцену с такими параметрами как: antialiasing, depth of field, ambient occlusion и soft shadows.
- Появилась возможность настраивать задний фон сцены: можно использовать градиент, картинку или панорамное изображение

Company Pilgway Studio, owned by Ukrainian developers, continues to refine its program 3D-Coat 3.0, which is a convenient and useful tool for texture and detail of 3D-objects, designed for 3D-artists and designers, and aimed primarily at game developers.

The new version of 3D-Coat:
- Improved capabilities sculpting: Added Voxel sculpting allows you to work without any topological constraints. It is not based on surface deformation, but on the construction and filling volume.
3D-Coat V3 supports NVIDIA CUDA technology which increases productivity when working on a volume sculpting.
- Per pixel painting - the possibility of per-pixel drawing on polygonal surfaces.
- Improved tools for topology change.
- Improved user interface. The new customizable interface is divided into several functional panels, each of which has its own set of hot keys and the merged panels.
- Improved tools for UV mapping.
- Added the ability to render the scene with such parameters as: antialiasing, depth of field, ambient occlusion and soft shadows.
- Now you can customize the background scene: You can use a gradient, an image or a panoramic image

What's new:
Vokselny skultping - allows you to take any form, without any topological constraints as well as create the intricate details "of nothing"! You can change the topology, as desired. This approach gives a complete feeling of freedom during the virtual modeling - sculpting. It is not based on the change in the shape of the surface itself, but on the construction and filling volume (volume + pixel = voxel). Feel like a true artist, do not hesitate about polygons and structure, simply expressing himself as a true artist!
• pixel painting - quick and accurate approach to colorization. Allows you to perform layer-coloring and drawing maps of displacement (displacement painting) at the low-polygon and high polygon objects, without distorting the original geometry. With this method you can draw a texture map directly on the site, which is ideal for the constituent elements in low-polygonal gaming. As a guide, you can use a normal map, imported.
• Improved tools retopologizatsii. New Tool Cap (cover) allows you to fill in the holes and finish retopologiyu tails or fingertips with just one click!
• Enhanced program interface. We present a new professional, flexible, customizable interface. The program window is divided into several separate working spaces (rooms). Each room has its own set of shortcut keys and attached panel. Also, you can easily maintain their own
Pickup interfeysa.Vy can easily maintain their own preferences.
• Improved UV-mapping tools. You can move, rotate and scale the individual «UV-islands, either automatically or manually to make UV-layout.
• Ability to make rendering of scenes with smoothing, adjustable depth of field (focus), global illumination (using ambient occlusion), and soft shadows.
• Adjustable background scene, in which can be used as a gradient fill, image (including - panorama). Picture-sample can be attached to any axis.

Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista
: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Multilingual (Russian present)
System requirements:
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7
1.2 GHz or better
512Mb (4096 recommended)
Radeon 9200/Nvidia 5600 128Mb (256 recommended) or better
DirectX 9.0c or higher

Year / Date: 2010
Web Developer:
481 MB



Category: Game making software | Views: 1341 | Added by: Adamsummer | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
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