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Amazing fact 40

The U.S. mint in Denver, Colorado is the only mint that marks its pennies.

Female aristocrats on the island of Portugese Timor in Malaya, indicate their status by notching their ears.

The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia, at just 1.75 sq. miles/4,53 sq. km.

There are more psycho-analysts per capita in Buenos Aires than any other place in the world.

Ireland currently has the fastest growing economy in Europe - the economy grew by 40% from 1993-1997. It is for this reason that the country is referred to as the Celtic Tiger.

Bore-hole seismometry indicates that the land in Oklahoma moves up and down 25cm throughout the day, corresponding with the tides. Earth tides are generally about one-third the size of ocean tides.

The Chang Jiang river is the fourth longest river in the world.

The Dominican Republic was called Santo Domingo when it first gain independence.

The state of Oregon has one city named Sisters and another called Brothers. Sisters got its name from a nearby trio of peaks in the Cascade Mountains known as the Three Sisters. Brothers was named as a counterpart to Sisters.

The surface area of the Earth is 197,000,000 square miles.

According to experts, large caves tend to "breathe"; they inhale and exhale great quantities of air when the barometric pressure on the surface changes, and air rushes in or out seeking equilibrium.

At 840,000 square miles, Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is 3 times the size of Texas. By comparison Iceland is only 39,800 square miles.

Zion, Illinois - located on the shores of Lake Michigan north of Chicago - was founded by the followers of John Alexander Dowie, whose Christian Catholic Church disapproved of pharmacies, doctors, theaters or dance halls. Smoking, drinking and the eating of pork also was prohibited in town.

Ninety percent of all volcanic activity occurs in the oceans. In 1993, scientists located the largest known concentration of active volcanoes on the sea floor in the South Pacific. This area, the size of New York state, hosts 1,133 volcanic cones and sea mounts. Two or three could erupt at any moment.

Given their sheer volume, ninety-nine percent of the living space on the planet is found in the oceans. The average depth of the oceans is 2.5 miles (4 km). The deepest point lies in the Mariana Trench, 6.8 miles (10.9 km) down. By way of comparison, Mount Everest is only 5.5 miles (8.8 km) high.

The exact geographic center of the United States is near Lebanon, Kansas.

What is the difference between a yam and a sweet potato? According to the Mayo Clinic dietician, a true yam is a large, starchy root that can get up to 100 pounds. It is native to Africa and Asia and is seldom available in the USA. The sweet potato is a native American plant. It was a staple for early settlers and was actually brought to Europe by Columbus. There are two varieties of sweet potatoes: One is moist and orange-fleshed, the other is drier and yellow. The orange-fleshed potato is commonly - and incorrectly - called a yam. This common practice has resulted in confusion when it comes to labels. Some stores incorrectly label the darker of the two sweet potatoes as being a yam, and they list the nutrient content for yams. True yams have no vitamin A. So consumers mistakenly think that the product has no vitamin A, even though it actually does. Consumers are most likely eating sweet potatoes - and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber.

The first U.S. consumer product sold in the old Soviet Union was Pepsi-Cola.

The most widely eaten fruit in America is the banana.

The dark meat on a roast turkey has more calories than the white meat.

The color of a chile is no indication of its spiciness, but size usually is - the smaller the pepper, the hotter it is.

A bushel of apples weighs about 42 pounds.

Over 15 billion prizes have been given away in Cracker Jacks boxes.

It takes more than 500 peanuts to make one 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.

Carrots were first grown as a medicine not a food. The Ancient Greeks called carrots "Karoto".

Goat milk is used to produce Roquefort cheese.

Though most people think of salt as a seasoning, only 5 out of every 100 pounds produced each year go to the dinner table.

Thin-skinned lemons are the juiciest.

There are two types of asparagus: green and white. One of the most popular varieties of green asparagus is named after Martha Washington, the wife of George Washington.

There are thousands of varieties of shrimp, but most are so tiny that they are more likely to be eaten by whales than people. Of the several hundred around the world that people do eat, only a dozen or so appear with any regularity in the United States.

There are professional tea tasters as well as wine tasters.

Soy milk, the liquid left after beans have been crushed in hot water and strained, is a favorite beverage in the East. In Hong Kong, soy milk is as popular as Coca-Cola is in the U.S.

There are more than 7,000 varieties of apples grown in the world. The apples from one tree can fill 20 boxes every year. Each box weighs an average 42 pounds.

According to the National Safety Council, coffee is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases it may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.

A tenth of the 7 million tons of rice grown in the U.S. each year goes into the making of beer.

The "last meal" for Death Row inmates has became embedded in the American death-penalty ritual. Reporters have dutifully recorded the last meal menus: John Wayne Gacy had fried chicken and strawberries; Ted Bundy passed on steak and eggs; James Smith, executed in Texas in 1990, requested a "lump of dirt" (request was denied); Missouri inmate Lloyd Schlup asked for venison and hare (request was granted).

Europeans drink more wine than Americans. France and Italy produce over 40% of all wine consumed in the world.

Strawberry Pop Tarts may be a cheap and inexpensive source of incendiary devices. Toasters which fail to eject Pop Tarts cause the Pop Tarts to emit flames 10-18 inches in height.

Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

Flamingo tongues were a common delicacy at Roman feasts.

Many wonder what the difference is between jelly, preserves, jam, and marmalade. In all cases, jelly is the common denominator. Jelly is fruit juice with added sugar, cooled and congealed, usually by the addition of gelatin or pectin. Preserves preserve the largest percentage of the original fruit, containing whole chunks of it in addition to jelly. Jam is jelly plus fruit pulp. Marmalade has bits of fruit and the rinds in a jelly. Although the orange variety is most common, it is often made from other citrus fruits. Spread either of the four on toast, add a nice cup of tea, and you have one sweet treat.

Every year, Bavarians and their guests drink 1.2 million gallons of beer during Oktoberfest. The first Oktoberfest was in 1810 and celebrated the marriage of King Ludwig Iof Bavaria.

The MAI TAI COCKTAIL was created in 1945 by Victor Bergeron, the genius of rum, also known as Trader Vic. The drink got its name when he served it to two friends from Tahiti, who exclaimed "Maitai roa ae!" which in Tahitian means out of this world - the best!

Under U.S. federal guidelines, there should be 21 to 25 jumbo shrimp in a pound.

Most common sports drinks are the equivalent of sugar-sweetened human sweat. That is, they have the same salt concentration as sweat (but are less salty than your blood). An increase of as little as 1% in blood salt will cause you to become thirsty.

In Australia, the popular McOz Burger combines 100 percent Australian beef, cheese, tomato, beetroot, lettuce, and cooked onions on a toasted bun. This burger was created by Australian McDonald’s restaurant owners, and became a permanent menu item after a successful promotional period in 1998.

The wheat that produces a one-pound loaf of bread requires 2 tons of water to grow.

Milk delivered to the store today was in the cow two days ago.

Only men were allowed to eat at the first self-service restaurant, the Exchange Buffet in New York, opened in 1885. Customers ate standing up.

Lithiated Lemon was the creation of Charles Griggs from Missouri, who introduced the lemon-lime drink in 1929. Four years later he renamed it 7-Up. Sales increased significantly.

There are 2,000,000 different combinations of sandwiches that can be created from a SUBWAY menu.

The Chuck E. Cheese franchise was created by Atari, a restaurant combining robotic animals and arcade games with family meals. They name the franchise a Pizza Time Theater. Chuck E. Cheese was first opened in 1977.

Brussels sprouts are called Brussels sprouts because they were discovered in Brussels.

During the Middle Ages, almost all beef, pork, mutton, and chicken were chopped fine. Forks were unknown at the time and the knife was a kitchen utensil rather that a piece of tableware.

You should not eat a crawfish with a straight tail. It was dead before it was cooked.

Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators where it was first developed.

When tea was first introduced in the American colonies, many housewives, in their ignorance, served the tea leaves with sugar or syrup after throwing away the water in which they had been boiled.

For beer commercials, they add liquid detergent to the beer to make it foam more.

Worcestershire Sauce is basically an Anchovy ketchup.

Sixty cows can produce a ton of milk a day.

Ancient Greeks and Romans believed asparagus had medicinal qualities for helping prevent bee stings and relieve toothaches.

Alcoholic lemonade is outselling premium bottled lagers in United Kingdom pubs, according to a report in "NASFT Showcase" magazine.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat more than 22 pounds of tomatoes every year. More than half this amount is eaten in the form of ketchup and tomato sauce.

According to the National Safety Council, coffee is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases it may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.

According to the head chef at the United Nations, the president of Iceland eats fish every day for lunch. Additionally, the queen of Denmark has a taste for Japanese food, and Pres. Bill Clinton has a passion for chicken.

Chocolate not only does not promote tooth decay, it might prevent it. According to the American Dental Association, milk chocolate contains ingredients, such as calcium and phosphate, that might modify acid production in the mouth that leads to cavities. Some oils in chocolate might also prevent tooth decay. Chocolate does contain sugar, of course, but these are simple sugars that are less harmful than the complex sugars contained in other foods.

Beer foam will go down by licking your finger then sticking it in the beer.

"Colonial goose" is the name Australians give to stuffed mutton.

Fanta Orange is the third largest selling soft drink in the world.

The number 57 on a Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of varieties of pickle the company once had.

The flesh of the puffer fish (fugu) is considered a delicacy in Japan. It is prepared by chefs specially trained and certified by the government to prepare the flesh free of the toxic liver, gonads, and skin. Despite these precautions, many cases of tetrodotoxin poisoning are reported each year in patients ingesting fugu. Poisonings usually occur after eating fish caught and prepared by uncertified handlers. The end result, in most cases, is death.

The five favorite U.S. school lunches nationwide, according to the American School Food Service Association, are, in order, pizza, chicken nuggets, tacos, burritos, and hamburgers.

The first macaroni factory in the United States was established in 1848. It was started by Antoine Zegera in Brooklyn, New York.

Ovaltine, the drink was from milk, malt, egg and cocoa, was developed in 1904 in Berne, Switzerland. It was originally named Ovomaltine. A clerical error changed it when the manufacturer registered the name.

When it originally appeared in 1886 - Coca Cola was billed as an "Esteemed Brain Tonic and Intellectual Beverage".

The letters VVSOP on a cognac bottle stand for - Very Very Superior Old Pale.

Opera stars Nellie Melba and Luisa Tetrazzini are famous for more than singing. They are also known for food that has been named after them. Nellie Melba (peach melba and melba toast) and Luisa Tetrazzini (chicken tetrazzini).

Sliced bread was introduced under the Wonder Bread label in 1930.

Herring is the most widely eaten fish in the world.

A hard-boiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.

Over a third of all pineapples come from Hawaii.

Wine will spoil if exposed to light, hence tinted bottles.

Turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which can cause sleepiness (warm milk also contains tryptophan).

Dairy products account for about 29% of all food consumed in the U.S.

As much as 50 gallons of Maple Sap are used to make a single gallon of Maple Sugar.

Rice is the main food for half of the people of the world.

There are more than 15,000 different kinds of rice.

The famous baby appearing on jars of Gerber baby food is actually a girl named Ann Turner. The picture was drawn by artist Dorothy Hope Smith in 1928.

Before it was unsolicited email, Spam was a luncheon meat. It is so resistant to spoilage that, if kept in the closed can, it may well outlast eternity and will certainly live longer than you. Believe it or not it was first promoted as a health food. In Korea it comes in gift boxes, and placed end to end, all the Spam ever sold would circle the Earth more than ten times.

Only food that does not spoil: honey.

Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.

Researchers in Denmark found that beer tastes best when drunk to the accompaniment of a certain musical tone. The optimal frequency is different for each beer, they reported. The correct harmonious tone for Carlsberg Lager, for example, is 510-520 cycles per second.

In medieval England beer often was served with breakfast.

Spirit of proof strength was the technical standard by which strength was measured until 1st January, 1980. Hundreds of years ago, spirit of this strength was proved when Whiskey and gunpowder were mixed and ignited. If the gunpowder flashed, then there was enough Whiskey in the mixture to permit ignition. Such Whiskey was held to have been proved - i.e. "tested". If the spirit was weaker than this, then ignition did not take place and the Whiskey failed the "test". The amount of black powder used was the same amount as was, and indeed still is, used to "proof" the barrels of smooth-bore fire-arms.

The estimated number of M & M’s sold each day in the United States is 200,000,000.

Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and hAM.

Americans eat an average of 18 pounds of fresh apples each year. The most popular variety in the United States is the Red Delicious.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat more than 22 pounds of tomatoes every year. More than half this amount is eaten in the form of ketchup and tomato sauce.

Pigturducken is a pig, stuffed with a turkey, which is stuffed with a chicken, deep fried in oil, which is usually put into something similar to a horse trough over propane burners.

The famous Chef Wolfgang Puck chose the Italian word "Spago" as the name for his popular chain of restaurants. In Italian - spago = "String" or "Twine" - slang for spaghetti.

Native Americans never actually ate turkey; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate laziness.

The Chinese used to open shrimp by flaying the shells with bamboo poles. Until a few years ago, in factories where dried shrimp were being prepared, "shrimp dancers" were hired to tramp on the shells with special shoes.

Ice cream was originally made without sugar and eggs.

There are more than 200 kinds of chili peppers, none of which belong to the pepper family.

Burger King® uses approximately 1/2 million pounds of bacon every month in its restaurants.

Table salt is the only commodity that hasn’t risen dramatically in price in the last 150 years.

In South Africa, termites are often roasted and eaten by the handful, like pretzels or popcorn.

The secret recipe for Coca Cola, code-named "Merchandise 7X" is kept under lock and key in a vault in the SunTrust Bank Building in Atlanta, Georgia, the home of Coke inventor Dr. John S. Pemberton and current world headquarters of Coca Cola International.

John Kellogg invented corn flakes, for a patient with bad teeth. Charles Post invented Grape Nuts. Dr. Kellogg was the manager of a Michigan health spa and Post was a patient. The spa was founded by Sylvester Graham...inventor of the Graham cracker and pioneer of the early 1800s movement to eat more bran.

Mr. Peanut was invented in 1916 by a Suffolk, Virginia schoolchild who won $5 in a design contest sponsored by Planters Peanuts.

An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavor are caused by their smell. To prove this - pinch your nose and take a bite from each. They will all taste sweet.

Americans eat an average of 18 pounds of fresh apples each year. The most popular variety in the United States is the Red Delicious.

Although the combination of chili peppers and oregano for seasoning has been traced to the ancient Aztecs, the present blend is said to be the invention of early Texans. Chili powder today is typically a blend of dried chilies, garlic powder, red peppers, oregano, and cumin.

A man named Ed Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin.

The fortune cookie was invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodlemaker.

The Ritz cracker was introduced to markets in 1934, but gourmets had to wait until 1953 for the invention of cheese in a can.

A black cow is a chocolate soda with chocolate ice cream. The term dates from the Roaring Twenties, although it also came to be used to describe a root beer float. Another term for a black cow was a mud fizz.

If you would like to make a Siberian happy, give him a horse-meat steak.

A Linthicum, Maryland woman, dressed only in bra and panties, lost her balance while putting down linoleum in her home and fell smack into the glue that was spread on the floor, according to Battalian Chief John M. Scholz of the county Fire Department. She became stuck to the floor (mistake one) but somehow managed to free herself after awhile and called the emergency number 911.
When the EMTs arrived they found her sitting on her couch (mistake number two). She was now glued to her couch. She had crossed her legs (mistake number three). Her legs were now glued together. And they also found her cordless phone glued to her hand.
Crews, using solvent-dipped sterile gauze pads, eventually freed her legs, hands and extremities. She refused to be taken to the hospital.

Student Robert Ricketts, 19, had his head bloodied when he was struck by a Conrail train. He told police he was trying to see how close to the moving train he could place his head without getting hit.

A 20 year old protester was arrested in Montana after he assaulted a congress women from Iowa with a salmon.

Edney Raphael, 39, running from a stabbing in Philadelphia with a bloody knife in his hand, was captured following a foot chase; he had turned his head to see where the officers were and run smack into a parking meter.

A young criminal walked into a bank and quietly handed the teller a note demanding several thousand dollars. Disguised, the man could have easily gotten away. However, he had idiotically written the note on a piece of his own stationery; it included his full name and address.

Sawney Beane, his wife, 8 sons, 6 daughters, and 32 grandchildren were a family of cannibals that lived in the caves near Galloway, Scotland in the early 17th Century. Although the total number is not known, it is believed they claimed over 50 victims per year. The entire family was taken by an army detachment to Edinburgh and executed, apparently without trial.

Airport security personnel find about six weapons a day searching passengers.

A man robbed a convenience store and ran out with a bag full of cash. He got down the street and realized he had left his car keys on the counter. When he returned to the store, he was promptly arrested.

A guy wearing pantyhose on his face tried to rob a store in a mall. When security came, he quickly grabbed a shopping bag and pretended to be shopping, forgetting that he was still wearing the pantyhose. He was captured and his loot was returned to the store.

In a stroke of irony, the maximum security prison in St. Albans, Vermont, was responsible in 1996 for sending out public relations brochures enticing tourists to visit Vermont.

Eugene-Francois Midocq, a French thief and outlaw, evaded the police for years, turned police spy, joined the force as a detective, and ultimately used his knowledge of crime to establish a new crime-fighting organization, the Surete.

A judge in Louisville decided a jury went "a little bit too far" in recommending a sentence of 5,005 years for a man who was convicted of five robberies and a kidnapping. The judge reduced the sentence to 1,001 years.

A teenager in Belmont, New Hampshire robbed the local convenience store. Getting away with a pocket full of change, the boy walked home. He did not realize, however, that he had holes in both of his pockets. A trail of quarters and dimes led police directly to his house.

A man was arrested and charged with the robbery—of vending machines. The man posted bail, entirely in quarters.

A Texan convicted of robbery worked out a deal to pay $9600 in damages rather than serve a two-year prison sentence. For payment, he gave the court a forged check. He got his prison term back, plus eight more years.

R.C. Gaitlan, 21, walked up to two patrol officers who were showing their squad car computer felon-location equipment to children in a Detroit neighborhood. When he asked how the system worked, the officer asked him for identification. Gaitlan gave them his drivers license, they entered it into the computer, and moments later they arrested Gaitlan because information on the screen showed Gaitlan was wanted for a two-year-old armed robbery in St. Louis, Missouri.

In South Carolina, an inmate who was paralyzed behind bars says in a lawsuit that Spartanburg County jail guards should have stopped him from doing back flips off a desk in his cell. Torrence Johnson, who is suing for unspecified damages, said recently that he fell and crushed a vertebra while being held in maximum-security in 1998.

A man went in to rob a bank. He demanded the clerk to give him all the money. They told him to go sit out in his car and they would bring him the bags of money. He agreed and went out to his car. In the meantime, the people in the bank called the police. When they got there the man was still sitting in his car waiting for the money and they arrested him.

A couple robbing a store caught on camera could not be identified until the police reviewed the security tape. The woman filled out an entry form for a free trip prior to robbing the store.

A reward of $1,000 was offered for information leading to the capture and conviction of a man robbing taxi drivers. The man turned himself in and demanded the reward as a result. He received a 20 year sentence for aggravated robbery instead.

Archduke Karl Ludwig (1833-1896), brother of the Austrian emperor, was a man of such piety that on a trip to the Holy Land, he insisted on drinking from the River Jordan, despite warnings that it would make him fatally ill. He died within a few weeks.

Lawsuits filed by California inmates cost the taxpayers more than $25 million in 1994.

A Hawaiian stamp of 1851 with a face value of 2 cents was the sole reason Gaston Leroux, a Parisian philatelist, murdered its owner, Hector Giroux.

Richard Milhouse Nixon was the first US President whose name contains all the letters from the word "0." William Jefferson Clinton is the 2nd.

The record for the world’s worst drivers is a toss-up between two candidates: First, a 75-year-old man who received 10 traffic tickets, drove on the wrong side of the road four times, committed four hit-and-run offenses, an caused six accidents, all within 20 minutes on October 15, 1966. Second, a 62-year-old woman who failed her driving test 40 times before passing it in August, 1970 (by that time, she had spent over $700 in lessons, and could no longer afford to buy a car).

Princess Grace was once on the board of 20th Century-Fox.

Abraham Lincoln had a wart on his face.

Bill Cosby was the first black to win a best actor Emmy.

Vincent Van Gogh shot and killed himself while painting "Wheatfield with Crows."

President Theodore Roosevelt wrote 37 books.

Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and Dostoyevsky were all epileptics.

When Yul Brynner had hair, it was dark brown.

Ignce Paderewski, one of the greatest concert pianists of all time, was also premier of Poland.

John F. Kennedy and Warren Harding were the only United States presidents to be survived by their fathers.

Before he catapulted to fame, Bob Dylan was paid $50 in 1960 for playing the harmonica on a Harry Belafonte album.

When Errol Flynn appeared as a contestant on the mid-1950s TV quiz show The Big Surprise, he was questioned about sailing and won $30,000.

Reportedly, Virginia Woolf wrote all her books while standing.

The godfather of actress Winona Ryder was the late Dr. Timothy Leary, LSD guru of the 1960s. Winona’s father, Michael Horowitz, served at one time as Leary’s archivist and ran a bookstore called Flashback Books. Additionally, her parents were politically active intellectuals, and Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was a good family friend.

When asked to name his favorite among all his paintings, Pablo Picasso replied "the next one."

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger bought the first Hummer manufactured for civilian use in 1992. The vehicle weighed in at 6,300 lbs and was 7 feet wide.

Napoleon was terrified of cats.

James Dean died in a Porsche Spider.

Mickey Mouse was the first non-human to win an Oscar.

The first U.S. president to visit Moscow was Richard Nixon.


Shirley Temple made $1 million by the age of 10.

The first U.S. president to use a telephone was James Garfield.

Mystery writer Agatha Christie acquired her extensive knowledge of poisons while working in a hospital dispensary during World War I.

Lillian Gish has the longest movie career of any actress, having debuted as a 19 year old in An Unseen Enemy (1912), and making her last appearance in Whales of August (1987). Miss Gish was born in 1893.

George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

While at Harvard University, Edward Kennedy was suspended for cheating on a Spanish exam.

Early in his career, William F. Buckley, Jr. was employed as a Spanish teacher at Yale.

Anthea Turner, Walt Disney, Tom Cruise, Susan Hampshire, Whoopi Goldberg, Thomas Edison, Henry Winkler, Cher, Brian Conley, and Leonardo DaVinci are, or were, dyslexic.

Before beginning his movie career, Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto, Canada.

The opera singer Enrico Caruso practiced in the bath, while accompanied by a pianist in a nearby room.

Before coming to the White House, Nancy and Ronald Reagan were actors. During their earlier careers each was involved in a performance that foreshadowed their later lives. In 1939, the then Nancy Davis had one line in a high school play called, eerily enough, "First Lady." It was, "They ought to elect the First Lady and then let her husband be president." She and her future husband also appeared in an episode of the "General Electric TV Theater" called "A Turkey for the President".

Bob Dole is 10 years older than the Empire State Building.

In 1996, Ringo Starr appeared in a Japanese advertisement for applesauce, which coincidentally is what his name means in Japanese.

When young and impoverished, Pablo Picasso kept warm by burning his own paintings.

Adam Sandler and Bill Gates rank number 1 and 2 among the most popular role models with male college freshmen.

Jimmy Carter is a speed reader (2000 wpm).

Clark Gable used to shower more than 4 times a day.

Thomas Jefferson anonymously submitted design plans for the White House. They were rejected.

Salvador Dali once arrived to an art exhibition in a limousine filled with turnips.

Robert Redford attended the University of Colorado on a baseball scholarship.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, Harry Truman became the first U.S. President to take office in the midst of a war.

At age 16 Confucius was a corn inspector.

At the 1970 Oscar ceremonies, buxom Raquel Welch presented the award for best "special visual effects."

Arnold Schwarzenegger began his transition from Austrian bodybuilder into an American film star when he made his screen debut in 1970 under the name "Arnold Strong" in "Hercules Goes Bananas."

Talk show host Montel Williams had a nose job.

The famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet won 100,000 francs in the state lottery. The money made him financially independent.

Before he became famous for his TV comedy work, the late Phil Hartman worked as a talented and respected graphic designer. In fact, he was the designer of the logo for Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.

Whoopi Goldberg was a mortuary cosmetologist and a bricklayer before becoming an actress.

Michael Jackson was black. :)

The founder of JC Penny had the name of James Cash Penny.

James Doohan, who plays Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott on Star Trek, is missing his entire middle finger on his right hand.

Sharon Stone was the first Star Search spokesmodel.

President Grover Cleveland was a draft dodger. He hired someone to enter the service in his place, for which he was ridiculed by his political opponent, James G. Blaine. It was soon discovered, however, that Blaine had done the same thing himself.

Attila the Hun was a dwarf. Pepin the Short, Aesop, Gregory the Tours, Charles 3 of Naples, and the Pasha Hussein were all less than 3.5 feet tall.

President John Tyler had fifteen children.

William Shatner went to Balfour Collegiate (Regina, Saskatchewan) during his high school years.

Thomas Marshall (1854-1925), U.S. vice-president, once remarked "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar."

Howard Hughes once made half a billion dollars in one day. In 1966, he received a bank draft for $546,549,171.00 in return for his 75% holdings in TWA.

The Taco Bell dog is a girl. Her name is Gidget.

Writer Director Actor Albert Brooks real name is Albert Einstein.

"You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy."—Erica Jong

Green Bay Packers backup quarterback, Matt Hasselbeck, has been struck by lightning twice in his life.

More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach have been cathedral organists.

Hitler was claustrophobic. They had to install a mirror in an elevator just to keep him from being scared.

Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess Diana. 

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