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Amazing fact 38

The golden tree frog has a croak that sounds like a mallet chipping rock, but in summer it sounds like a tinkling bell.

Dachshunds are the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. They are low to the ground, which allows them to enter and maneuver through tunnels easily.

Chocolate effects a dogs heart and nervous system, a few ounces enough to kill a small sized dog.

A pelican consumes about 33 and 1/3 percent of its body weight in a single meal.

The Dalmatian dog is named for the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia, where it is believed to have been originally bred.

The cells which make up the antlers of a moose are the fastest growing animal cells in nature.

A typical day for a gorilla is to get up early and eat. It eats until it gets hot, then it will nap. When it gets up from its nap, they resume eating until the sun goes down.

When two zebras stand side by side, they usually face in opposite directions. They say this is so they can keep an eye out for predators.

A kind of tortoise in the Galapagos Islands has an upturned shell at its neck so it can reach its head up to eat cactus branches.

The Penguin is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright.

When a hippopotamus exerts itself, gets angry, or stays out of the water for too long, it exudes red sweatlike mucus through its skin.

The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. Wild cats hold their tail horizontally, or tucked between their legs while walking.

The penculine titmouse of Africa builds its home in such a sturdy manner that Masai tribesman use their nests for purses and carrying cases.

The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much hydrochloric acid that they have dissolved iron spearheads and six-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed.

The Pastern is the part of a horse located on the foot between the fetlock and the hoof.

The oyster is usually ambisexual. It begins life as a male, then becomes a female, then changes back to being a male, then back to being female; it may go back and forth many times.

Weighing approximately 13 pounds at birth, a baby caribou will double its weight in just 10 days.

Snakes continue to grow until the day they die.

Rhinos are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn.

Flamingoes live remarkably long lives: up to 80 years.

Flamingoes feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group.

Of the 250-plus known species of shark in the world, only about 18 are known to be dangerous to man.

Fish travel in schools, whales travel in pods or gams.

Of all known forms of animals life ever to inhabit the earth, only about 10 percent still exist today.

The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of direction.

February is the mating month for gray whales.

Octopi and squid have three hearts. Their main systemic heart pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, and two branchial hearts provide some additional push at each of the paired gills.

The crocodile is a cannibal; it will occasionally eat other crocodiles.

In Wales, there are more sheep than people. (In 1996 the population for Wales was 2,921,000 with approximately 5,000,000 sheep)

A jynx is a woodpecker, also know as the wryneck because of its peculiar habit of twisting its neck.

A winkle is an edible sea snail.

Lobsters can move up to 25 feet per second underwater.

A trout swims at about 4 miles per hour which is faster than you or me.

The only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica.

Parthenogenesis is the term used to describe the process by which certain animals are able to reproduce themselves in successive female generations without intervention of a male of the species. At least one species of lizard is known to do so.

Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by osmosis.

Mongooses were brought to Hawaii to kill rats. This plan failed because rats are nocturnal while the mongoose hunts during the day.

Elephants often communicate at sound levels as low as 5Hz. This means that if you flap your hands back and forth faster than five times a second, an elephant can actually hear the tone produced.

A baby eel is called an elver, a baby oyster is called a spat.

All elephants walk on tip-toe, because the back portion of their foot is made up of all fat and no bone.

A quarter of the horses in the U.S. died of a vast virus epidemic in 1872.

Belize is the only country in the world with a jaguar preserve.

Out of all the animals a circus animal trainer works with, none are deadlier than the elephant. More deaths are caused by the elephants than the large cats circus tamers train with.

Elephants have been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.

Dogs mature very fast in their early years. However, most of their growth occurs during the first two years. After that, development slows down. A one-year-old dog is like a teenage human and a two-year-old dog is like an adult in his mid-twenties. Only when the dog is older—more than ten—does a single dog year equal about seven human years.

An iguana can stay under water for twenty-eight minutes.

The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.

Rats can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for 3 days straight.

The flying snake of Java and Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon and sail like a glider from tree to tree.

Gorillas and cats sleep about fourteen hours a day.

Rabbits never walk or trot, but always hop or leap.

The flamingoes of East Africa have few natural enemies. In general, the only predators an adult flamingo need fear are the fish eagle and the marabou stork.

Each year, Americans spend more on cat food than on baby food.

Shock treatment for epilepsy was once administered by electric catfish.

Most varieties of snake can go an entire year without eating a single morsel of food.

Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with human blood.

The black bear is not always black. It can be brown, cinnamon, yellow, and sometimes a bluish color.

The bite of a leech is painless due to its own anesthetic.

The largest order of mammals, with about 1,700 species, is rodents. Bats are second with about 950 species.

Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.

One species of antelope, the Sitatunga, can sleep underwater.

More turkeys are raised in California than in any other state in the United States.

The beluga whale is often referred to as the "sea canary" because of the birdlike chirping sounds it makes.

The oldest know breed of domesticated dog is the saluki. Carvings of animals resembling the saluki have been found in excavations of the Sumerian Empire believed to date from between 6000 and 7000 B.C.

Marcel Prousthave had a swordfish at home.

During WWII, Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs.

While drug-sniffing dogs are trained to bark like crazy, go "aggressive" at the first whiff of the right powder... Bomb-sniffing dogs are trained to go "passive" lest they set off a motion sensor or a noise sensor or any number of other things that might go "kablooie."

The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time.

Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating, they sweat through the pads of their feet.

Male monkeys lose the hair on their heads in the same way men do.

The bottle-nosed whale can dive to a depth of 3,000 feet in two minutes.

The ostrich egg yolk is the biggest single cell in the world.

The bones of a pigeon weigh less than its feathers.

The "snood" is the fleshy projection just above the bill on a turkey.

Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy.

A bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed every animal in the Berlin Zoo except the elephant, which escaped and roamed the city. When a Russian commander saw hungry Germans chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, he ordered his troops to protect it and shoot anyone who tried to kill it.

No other animal gives us more by-products than the hog. These by-products include pig suede, buttons, glass, paint brushes, crayons, chalk, and insulation to name a few.

Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air.

More than one million stray dogs and over 500,000 stray cats live in the New York City metropolitan area.

The Bateleur eagle of Africa hunts over a territory of 250 square miles a day.

There are 1,600 known species of starfishes in the world.

In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their wings 300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to 40 miles per hour.

Rattlesnakes gather in groups to sleep through the winter. Sometimes up to 1,000 of them will coil up together to keep warm.

Minnows have teeth in their throat.

A top freestyle swimmer achieves a speed of only 4 miles per hour. Fish, in contrast, have been clocked at 68 mph.

Pigs can become alcoholics.

If you feed a seagull Alka-Seltzer, its stomach will explode.

The Platypus can eat its weight in worms every day.

The average elephant produces 50 pounds of dung each day.

Koala is Aboriginal for "no drink".

In a test performed by Canadian scientists, using various different styles of music, it was determined that chickens lay the most eggs when pop music was played.

In Vermont, the ratio of cows to people is 10:1.

The heaviest dog on record is an Old English Mastiff named Zorba, who weighed 343 pounds and measured 8 feet and 3 in. from nose to tail.

In 1992 five cows were killed in drive by shootings in Clay County, Missouri.

Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with the ears.

Lobsters are scared of octopuses. The sight of one makes a lobster freeze.

In Budapest, they control the pigeon population by mixing birth control chemicals with the birdseed.

A large kangaroo would make a great long-distance jumper, covering more than thirty feet with a single jump.

A few species of monkeys and apes see the full spectrum of color, as well as some birds and possibly fish. Most animals, however, perceive the world in shades of gray, including the bull. A bull who charges a bright red cape is charging because of the movement of the cape, not the color.

Young birds such as ducks, geese, and shore birds are born with their eyes open.

The average minimal speed of birds in order to remain aloft in flight is reported to be about 16½ feet per second, or about 11 miles per hour.

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.

The king crab walks diagonally.

The woolly mammoth, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost 16 feet high.

Sharks never stop moving, even when they sleep or rest.

The snapping turtle eats carrion and is used by police to find dead bodies in lakes, ponds and swamps.

The giant crab of Japan can be as large as 12 feet across.

Giraffes are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead.

The world camel population is 19,627,000.

September 16-21 is Farm Animal Awareness Week.

To a human, one giant octopus looks virtually the same as any other of the same size and species. This explains why divers claim to have seen the same octopus occupy a den for ten or more years. But an octopus seldom lives longer than four years.

78% of cats never travel with their owner.

The longest recorded life span of a camel was 35 years, 5 months.

Ergonomic waterbeds are the latest must-have on the bovine circuit. The beds, listing at $175, are said to enhance cattle health by reducing joint damage.

It takes seven years for a lobster to grow 1 pound.

The most venomous of all snakes, known as the Inland Taipan has enough venom in one bite to kill over 200,000 mice.

In regions of India where the soil is red - elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against insects.

The oyster is usually ambisexual. Through its life it will change from male to female and back again numerous times.

Ostriches stick their heads in the sand to look for water.

Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms per day.

St. Bernard dogs do not carry kegs of brandy, and never have.

Snakes don’t bite in rivers or swamps because they would drown if they did.

The pekingese is the royal dog of China.

The giant tortoise can live longer in captivity than any other animal.

Greyhound dogs can see better than any other breed of dog.

Cows are the only mammals that pee backwards.

You can house break an armadillo.

The mako shark and great white shark are two of the few species of shark that are warm blooded.

Penguins generally mate once and produce one egg per year.

More types of fish live in one Amazon River tributary than in all the rivers in North America combined.

The giant Pacific octopus can squeeze its entire body through a hole the size of its beak.

Some birds from the rain forests of South America actually breed in Canada in the summer, before returning south for the winter.

The average giraffe has a blood pressure two or three times that of the average human.

Birds do not sleep in their nests, although they may rest in them from time to time.

Studies have shown that pigs are one of the more intelligent animals, surprisingly. They come a close second only to primates. They are so smart, in fact, that they can be trained to do tricks like a dog.

Humans have three color receptors in their eyes, while goldfish have four, and mantis shrimp have ten.

The Metro Goldwyn Mayer lion lived in Memphis, Tennessee.

Some species of dinosaur were the size of chickens.

The March Hare from Alice In Wonderland portrays the actual antics of real hares during springtime, when they jump around and hit their large hind feet on the ground.

All shrimp are born male, but slowly grow into females as they mature.

Elephants can smell water from as far away as three miles.

Snakes who have the genetic mutation of having been born with two heads have a hard time eating, because the two heads generally fight over which gets the food.

Because porcupines have hollow quills, they are great swimmers.

Tuatara lizards, from New Zealand, have two eyes in the center of their heads and a third one on top of their heads.

You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have 36.

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans ages the equivalent of five human years for every day they live, so they usually die after about fourteen days. When stressed, though, the worm goes into a comatose state that can last for two or more months. The human equivalent would be to sleep for about two hundred years.

Catnip, or Nepeta cataria, is an herb with nepetalactone in it. Many think that when cats inhale nepetalactone, it affects hormones that arouse sexual feelings, or at least alter their brain functioning to make them feel "high." Catnip was originally made, using nepetalactone as a natural bug repellant, but roaming cats would rip up the plants before they could be put to their intended task.

Cats sleep up to eighteen hours a day, but never quite as deep as humans. Instead, they fall asleep quickly and wake up intermittently to check to see if their environment is still safe.

Cats often rub up against people and furniture to lay their scent and mark their territory. They do it this way, as opposed to the way dogs do it, because they have scent glands in their faces.

A group of twelve or more cows is called a flink.

The odds of seeing three albino deer at once are one in seventy-nine billion, yet one man in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin, took a picture of three albino deer in the woods.

The female lion does ninety percent of the hunting.

Jellyfish like salt water. A rainy season often reduces the jellyfish population by putting more fresh water into normally salty waters where they live.

There are more than fifty different kinds of kangaroos.

A biological reserve has been made for golden toads because they are so rare.

Gorillas sleep as much as fourteen hours per day.

Many sharks lay eggs, but hammerheads give birth to live babies that look like very small duplicates of their parents. Young hammerheads are usually born headfirst, with the tip of their hammer-shaped head folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth.

Human birth control pills work on gorillas.

North American oysters do not make pearls of any value.

The lifespan of a squirrel is about nine years.

The duckbill platypus can store as many as six hundred worms in the pouches of its cheeks.

On average, dogs have better eyesight than humans, although not as colorful.

Gopher snakes in Arizona are not poisonous, but when frightened they may hiss and shake their tails like rattlesnakes.

Skunks can accurately spray their smelly fluid as far as ten feet.

Young beavers stay with their parents for the first two years of their lives before going out on their own.

The porpoise is second to man as the most intelligent animal on the planet.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the cockfighting market is huge: The Philippines has five million roosters used for exactly that.

The pet food company Ralston Purina recently introduced, from its subsidiary Purina Philippines, power chicken feed designed to help roosters build muscles for cockfighting, which is popular in many areas of the world.

Sloths take two weeks to digest their food.

Seals used for their fur get extremely sick when taken aboard ships.

Ostriches are often not taken seriously. They can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions.

All your base are belong to us.

The plastic tips on shoelaces are called 'aglets'!

If you buy a lottery ticket on Monday you are a hundred times more likely to die before the draw is held on wednesday, than win the Jackpot!

Your skin is actually an organ.

Your skeleton keeps growing until you are about 35, then you start to shrink.

Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe!

Your home is ten times more likely to have a fire than be burglarized!

Your heart rate can rise as much as 30% during a yawn.

Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood each day!

Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day!

Your hair grows faster in the morning than at any other time of day.

Your brain is 80% water.

Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second.

Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!

You're born with 300 bones, but when you become an adult, you only have 206!

You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.

You breathe mostly from only one nostril at a time!

You inhale about 700,000 of your own skin flakes each day.

You have no sense of smell when you're sleeping!

You can tape a small mirror onto a cone speaker, play music and shine a laser on to the mirror and the reflection will look like a laser light show on your wall.

You can start a fire with ice.

You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark.

You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than a poisonous spider!

You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening!

Yahoo! was originally called 'Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web'.

X-rays of the Mona Lisa show that there are three completely different versions of the same subject, all painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, under the final portrait.

Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote.

Worms reportedly taste like bacon.

World?s heaviest primates: morbidly obese humans. After that: gorillas at 485 lbs.

Worcestershire Sauce is basically an Anchovy ketchup.

Woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth and giraffe tails have all been used as money.

Womens' hearts beat faster than mens'.

Women wishing to enter Canada to work as strippers must provide naked photos of themselves to qualify for a visa!

Women who are romance novel readers are reported to make love 74% more often with their partners than women who do not read romance novels.

Women have a slightly higher average IQ than men.

Women end up digesting most of the lipstick they apply.

Women buy four out of every 10 condoms sold.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

With two forks and a charge, a pickle will emit light.

Wine will spoil if exposed to light; hence tinted bottles.

Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland!

Windmills always turn anti-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland!

Whoopi Goldberg?s real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

Whispering is more wearing on your voice than a normal speaking tone.

While 7 men in 100 have some form of color blindness, only 1 woman in 1,000 suffers from it.

When your face blushes, the lining of your stomach turns red, too.

When young and impoverished, Pablo Picasso kept warm by burning his own paintings.

When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.

When you correct for weight differences, men are proportionately stronger than horses.

When pitched, the average Major League baseball rotates 15 times before being hit.

When he was only 13, Johnny Depp lost his virginity to a girl slightly older than him.

When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!

When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour.

When Britney Spears books into hotels she uses the name 'Allota Warmheart' so that nobody will recognize her.

When a person dies, hearing is usually the last sense to go.

When a giraffe's baby is born it falls from a height of six feet, normally without being hurt.

What you find when you shave the striped fur off of a tiger? Striped skin.

Whale oil was used in automobile transmissions as late as 1973.

Wearing yellow makes you look bigger on camera; green, smaller.

We blink 25 times a minute.

Watermelons can cost up to $100 in Japan!

Washington, D.C. has one lawyer for every 19 residents!

Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.

Walt Disney World generates about 120,000 pounds of garbage every day.

WAL-MART generates $3,000,000.00 in revenues every 7 minutes!

Vultures fly without flapping their wings.

Virgina Woolf wrote all her books standing.

Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

Vaccines contain formaldehyde, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (disinfectant / pesticide), and aluminum.

Up to the age of six or seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time. An adult cannot do this.

Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia.

Until the 1960's men with long hair were not allowed to enter Disneyland.

Until President Kennedy was killed, it wasn?t a federal crime to assassinate the President.

Until 1990, the deadly poison mercury was used in about 30% of latex paints!

Until 1857, any foreign coins made of precious metal were legal tender in the United States.

Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it's known as Tennessee!

Unlike dogs, pigs, and some other mammals, humans cannot taste water. They taste only the chemicals and impurities in the water.

Under extreme stress, some octopuses will eat their own arms.

U.S. President Calvin Coolidge liked to eat breakfast while having his head rubbed with vaseline.

Turtles can live for more than 100 years.

Turkeys can reproduce without having sex.

Turkey's often look up at the sky during a rainstorm. Unfortunately some have been known to drown as a result.

Tug of War was an Olympic event between 1900 and 1920.

Tsunamis ( tidal waves ) travel as fast as jet planes.

Trueman Capote the man who wrote Breakfast at Tiffany's had the middle name of Stucklefuss!

Traces of cocaine were found on 99% of UK bank notes in a survey in London in 2000.

Tomatoes were originally thought to be poisonous.

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