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Amazing fact 31

Every minute 47 Bibles are sold or distributed throughout the world.

4 out of 5 sing in the car.

44% of men tailgate to speed up the person in front of them.

12% of men never use their car blinkers.

The average IQ is 100, while 140 is the beginning of genius IQ.

There are over 15,000 miles of lighted neon tubing in the many signs on the Strip and downtown Las Vegas.

The average life span of London residents in the middle of the 19th century was 27 years. For members of the working class, that number dropped to 22 years.

It takes an average person fifteen to twenty minutes to walk once around the Pentagon.

81.3% would tell an acquaintance to zip his pants.

54.2% of us always wash our hands after using the toilet.

30% of us refuse to sit on a public toilet seat.

Significantly more black women die from heart disease than any other group.

78% would rather die quickly than live in a retirement home.

15% regularly go to a shrink.

14% have attended a self-help meeting.

Only 30% of us know our cholesterol level.

44% have broken a bone.

4 out of 5 of us have suffered from hemorrhoids.

49% believe in ESP.

57% have had deja vu.

10% of us claim to have seen a ghost.

33% of women lie about their weight.

62% of us pop our zits.

58% of women paint their nails regularly.

53% of women will not leave the house without makeup on.

9% of women and 8% of men have had cosmetic surgery.

Nearly 1/3 of US women color their hair.

The typical shower is 101 degrees F.

22% leave the glob of toothpaste in the sink.

2/3 of us speed up at a yellow light.

45% of us consistently follow the speed limit.

71% can drive a stick-shift car.

6% propose over the phone.

1 in 5 men proposed on his knees.

The biggest cause of matrimonial fighting is money.

2 out of 5 have married their first love.

20% of women consider their parents to be their best friends.

On average, we send 38 Christmas cards every year.

51% of adults dress up for a Halloween festivity.

28% of us have skinny-dipped. 14% with the opposite sex.

53% of us would take advice from Ann Landers.

90% of us depend on alarm clocks to wake us.

16% of us have forgotten our own wedding anniversary (mostly men).

53% read their horoscopes regularly.

66% of women and 59% of men have used a mix to cook and taken credit for doing it from scratch.

57% save pretty gift paper to reuse.

44% reuse tinfoil.

40% of us have had music lessons.

20% of us have played in a band at one time in our life.

56% of women do the bills in a marriage.

53% prefer ATM machines over tellers.

37% claim to know how to use all the features on their VCR.

Less than 10% are trilingual.

71.6% of us eavesdrop.

29% of us ignore RSVP.

45% use mouthwash every day.

Only 13% brush our teeth from side to side.

14% of us eat the watermelon seeds.

22% of all restaurant meals include French fries.

66% of us eat cereal regularly.

9% of us skip breakfast daily.

22% of us skip lunch daily.

Snickers is the most popular candy.

70% of us drink orange juice daily.

85% of us will eat Spam this year.

When nobody else is around, 47% drink straight from the carton.

69% eat the cake before the frosting.

35% give to charity at least once a month.

On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.

Over 50% believe in spanking - but only a child over 2 years old.

29% of us are virgins when we marry.

13% (mostly men) have spent a night in jail.

45% believe in ghosts.

82% believe in an afterlife.

10% believe in the 10 Commandments.(Only 10%?!)

90% believe in divine retribution.

50% admit they regularly sneak food into movie theaters to avoid the high prices of snack foods.

3 out of 4 of us store our dollar bills in rigid order with singles leading up to higher denominations.

85% of women wear the wrong bra size.

67.5% of men wear briefs.

40% of women have hurled footwear at a man.

Men do 29% of laundry each week. Only 7% of women trust their husbands to do it correctly.

Only 30% of us can flare our nostrils.

Pennies, plural, have value to most Americans. A penny, singular, does not. Almost half of Americans say they would not bother to bend over to pick up a penny on the street, but more than half of us report having stashes of pennies laying around the house.

During the heating months of winter, the relative humidity of the average American home is 13% nearly twice as dry as the Sahara Desert.

Nine out of 10 Americans tell pollsters they have NEVER had a professional massage.

The standard escalator moves 120 feet per minute.

Most deaths in a hospital are between the times of 4pm and 6pm, the time when the human body is at its weakest.

The chance of contracting an infection during a hospital stay in the USA is 1 in 15.

By 1995 8 million U.S. households had computers with CD-ROM drives, a 1600% increase over 1990.

68% of Americans who view computer commercials on TV that advertise a processor, such as the Pentium III, believe it speeds up your Internet connections. However, a modem does that.

A United Parcel Service delivery person typically makes up to 300 pickups or deliveries a day. That compares to someone doing 600 sets of step aerobics a day.

The Earth experiences 50,000 earthquakes a year.

Last year Americans ate more than 8.5 million pounds of tortilla chips on Super Bowl Sunday.

Dominos Pizza sales typically double on Super Bowl Sunday.

Super Bowl Monday sales of antacids increase by more than 20% over other Mondays.

In the USA - more toilets flush at the half time of the Super Bowl than at any other time of the year.

During the Christmas buying season, Visa cards alone are used an average of 5,340 times every minute in the U.S.

It rains more often in London, England, on a Thursday than any other day of the week.

You have to break a lot of eggs to serve breakfast in Las Vegas. At Caesar’s Palace alone, an average of 7,700 are prepared each day. With 2.8 million eggs delivered each year to that one resort. Caesars serves over 427 pounds of coffee each day and pours more than 3,000 ounces of orange juice every 24 hours.

There are over 15,000 miles of lighted neon tubing in the many signs on the Strip and downtown Las Vegas.

The number one reason people choose to buy a wireless phone is for safety (nearly 50% of those who own wireless phones purchased it for safety).

In the U.S., 54% of wireless phone users are men and 46% are women.

They call it puppy love: An American Animal Hospital Association poll showed that 33% of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine while away.

The most popular name given to boat-owners’ boats is "Obsession".

Conception occurs in December more than any other month.

Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.

As of 1983, an average of Three billion Christmas cards were sent annually in the United States.

In 1790, the U.S. government conducted its first head count. The total population was just under four million (3,929,625).

In 1984, 13,126 people were arrested in Federal drug cases.

There are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada.

Portion of land in the US owned by the government: 1/3

Chances that a burglary in the US will be solved: 1 in 7.

Portion of Harvard students who graduate with honors: 4/5

The average American pays more in taxes than for food, clothing and shelter put together.

The average US worker toils for two hours and 47 minutes of each working day just to pay income tax.

55,700 people in the US are injured by jewelry each year.

56% of the video game market is adults.

The average American looks at eight houses before buying one.

75% of people wash from top to bottom in the shower.

8% of Americans twiddle their thumbs.

5,840 people with pillow related injuries checked into U.S. emergency rooms in 1992.

"Evaluation and Parameterization of Stability and Safety Performance Characteristics of Two and Three Wheeled Vehicular Toys for Riding." Title of a $230,000 research project proposed by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, to study the various ways children fall off bicycles.

According to the US Government people have tried nearly 28,000 different ways to lose weight.

40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year.

The average person over fifty will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.

Statistically speaking, the most dangerous job in the United States is that of Sanitation Worker. Firemen and Policeman are a close second and third, followed by Leather Tanners in fourth.

Since the Lego Group began manufacturing blocks in 1949, more than 189 billion pieces in 2000 different shapes have been produced. This is enough for about 30 Lego pieces for every living person on Earth.

Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of shaking vending machines, in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 have been injured.

Seventy-three percent of Americans are willing to wear clothes until the clothes wear out. The poll conducted by Louis Harris and Associates also revealed: 92 percent are willing to eliminate annual model changes in automobiles; 57 percent are willing to see a national policy that would make it cheaper to live in multiple-unit apartments than in single-family homes; 91 percent are willing to eat more vegetables and less meat for protein.

Seventy percent of house dust is made up of dead skin flakes.

Half of all people who have ever smoked have now quit.

Adults spend an average of 16 times as many hours selecting clothes (145.6 hours a year) as they do on planning their retirement.

Results of a survey show that 76 percent of women make their bed every day, compared to 46 percent of men.

Police estimated that 10,000 abandoned, orphaned and runaway children were roaming the streets of New York City in 1852.

Per capita, it is safer to live in New York City than it is to live in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

In 1996, Americans bought only 12 inches of dental floss per capita.

In 1995, each American used an annual average of 731 pounds of paper, more than double the amount used in the 1980s. Contrary to predictions that computers would displace paper, consumption is growing.

In 1990 the life expectancy of the average American male was 72.7 years and 76.1 years for females. In 1900 the life expectancy was 46.6 for males and 48.7 for females.

In 1977, less than 9 percent of physicians in the U.S. were women.

In 1970 only 5 percent of the American population lived in cities.

In 1915, the average annual family income in the United States was $687 a year.

Per a national survey, 80 percent of U.S. teachers in grades kindergarten through eighth grade have received chocolate as a gift from their students.

Per a "Newsweek" poll, 49 percent of American fathers described themselves as better parents than their dads.

Pediatricians estimate that 58 percent of their young patients go to child care or school even when ill, according to a Gallup survey. This despite the fact that 81 percent of mothers working full-time have stayed home at times to care for a sick child.

In 1990 there were about 15,000 vacuum cleaner related accidents in the U.S.

There have been several documented cases of women giving birth to twins who had different fathers, including cases where the children were of different races. To do so, the mother had to have conceived both children in close proximity. There has also been one recent case where a mother gave birth to unrelated "twins." In that instance, the mother underwent in vitro fertilization and had her own child and the embryo of another couple accidentally implanted in her.

While the average cost of air travel is about $60 per hour, using an air-phone during that plane trip can cost as much as $160 per hour.

Over 15 billion prizes have been given away in Cracker Jacks boxes.

Two out of three adults in the United States have hemorrhoids.

Hawaii is the only state in the United States where male life expectancy exceeds 70 years. Hawaii also leads all states in life expectancy in general, with an average of 73.6 years for both males and females.

Hawaii has the highest percentage of cremations of all other U.S. states, with a 60.6 percent preference over burial.

Only 3 percent of Americans ages 18 to 21 attended college in 1890.

Executives work an average 57 hours a week, but just 22 percent say their hours are a major cause of stress.

Out of the 34,000 gun deaths in the U.S. each year, fewer than 300 are listed as "justifiable homicide," the only category that could include shooting a burglar, mugger, or rapist.

Only about 30 percent of teenage males consistently apply sun protection lotion when going poolside, compared to 46 percent of female teens.

There are more telephones than people in Washington DC.

Occasionally, hot dog sales at baseball stadiums exceed attendance, but typically, hot dog sales at ballparks average 80 percent of the attendance.

Each year approximately 250,000 American husbands are physically attacked and beaten by their wives.

Canada is the largest importer of American cars.

Ninety percent of U.S. households have at lease one remote control for the television; 8 out of 10 report losing it.

More than 50 percent of adults surveyed said that children should not be paid money for getting good grades in school.

Spaghetti is the favorite pasta shape, with 38 percent favoring it over other pasta shapes. The second favorite shape is elbow macaroni, at 16 percent.

The one extra room new-home shoppers want the most is the laundry room, at 95 percent. Only 66 percent of new-home buyers request an extra room to use as an office.

Residential buildings use about 35 percent of all available electricity.

A recent Gallup survey showed that in the United States 8 percent of kissers kept their eyes open, but more than 20 percent confessed to an occasional peek. Forty-one percent said they experienced their first serious smooch when they were age thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen; 36 percent between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one. The most memorable kiss in a motion picture was in "Gone With The Wind" according to 25 percent of those polled.

The population divides approximately in half between AM and PM people. But early-birds have the edge - 56 percent routinely rise early while 44 percent stay up late. Medical studies, by the way, find that people tend to work more productively in the morning.

According to a major hotel chain, approximately the same numbers of men and women are locked out of their rooms. 32 percent are less than fully dressed.

Nearly 87 percent of the 103 people polled in 1977 were unable to identify correctly an unlabeled copy of the Declaration of Independence.

By the end of the U.S. Civil War, 33 percent of all U.S. paper currency in circulation was counterfeit. This was a devastating situation for a nation struggling to recover economically from such a destructive war. On July 5, 1865, the Secret Service was created as a part of the Department of the Treasury to help suppress counterfeit currency.

Before the Chinese take-over of Tibet in 1952, 25 percent of the males in the country were Buddhist monks.

One in five American households move in a given year. The average American moves 11 times. But most of us - 61 percent - still live in the state we were born in. And big corporations report increasing resistance to transfers to new cities...with many people turning down promotions in order to stay put.

Focus group information compiled by CalComp revealed that 50 percent of computer users do not like using a mouse.

According to one U.S. study, about 25 percent of all adolescent and adult males never use deodorant.

Half of all men start to lose their hair by the time they turn 30. Everybody loses dozens of hairs a day - the key thing is whether or not they grow back. More than 40 percent of men wind up with significant hair loss.

About 10 percent of the workforce in Egypt is under 12 years of age. Although laws protecting children are on the books, they are not well enforced, partly because many poverty-stricken parents feel forced to send their children out to help support the family.

About 60 percent of all American babies are named after close relatives.

About 25 percent of all male Americans between the ages of ten and fifteen were "gainfully employed" at the turn of the century. By 1970, so few in that age bracket were employed that the U.S. Census Bureau did not bother to make inquiries about them.

About 24 percent of alcoholics die in accidents, falls, fires, and suicides.

A recent study conducted by the Shyness Clinic in Menlo Park, California, revealed that almost 90 percent of Americans label themselves as shy.

It is illegal to marry the spouse of a grandparent in Maine, Maryland, South Carolina, and Washington, DC.

Golf was banned in England in 1457 because it was considered a distraction from the serious pursuit of archery.

The murder rate in the Unted States is 200 times greater than in Japan. In Japan no private citizen can buy a handgun legally.

Impotence is grounds for divorce in 24 U.S. states.

The minimum age set in the U.S. Constitution for the President of the United States is 35.

In Milan, Italy, there is a law on the books that requires a smile on the face of all citizens at all times. Exemptions include time spent visiting patients in hospitals or attending funerals. Otherwise, the fine is $100 if they are seen in public without a smile on their face.


Talking on a cellular phone while driving is against the law in Israel.

Because of heavy traffic congestion, Julius Caesar banned all wheeled vehicles from Rome during daylight hours.

In 1968, a convention of beggars in Dacca, India, passed a resolution demanding that the minimum amount of alms be fixed at 15 paisa (three cents).

In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Inca Indians of Peru, the couple was considered officially wed when they took off their sandals and handed them to each other.

During the eighteenth century, books that were considered offensive were sometimes punished by being whipped.

The Spanish Inquisition once condemned the entire Netherlands to death for heresy.

A girl, in the Vacococha tribe of Peru, to prepare her for marriage at the age of 12, is placed in a basket in the hut of her prospective in-laws and must remain suspened over an open fire night and day for 3 months.

In the Middle Ages, the highest court in France ordered the execution of a cow for injuring a human.

Margaret Sanger was jailed for a month, in 1917, in a workhouse for founding a clinic that dispensed contraceptives.

The curtain or veil used by some Hindus and Moslems to seclude or hide their women from strangers is called a "purdah."

It is illegal to marry the spouse of a grandparent in Maine, Maryland, South Carolina, and Washington, DC.

Golf was banned in England in 1457 because it was considered a distraction from the serious pursuit of archery.

The murder rate in the Unted States is 200 times greater than in Japan. In Japan no private citizen can buy a handgun legally.

Impotence is grounds for divorce in 24 U.S. states.

The minimum age set in the U.S. Constitution for the President of the United States is 35.

In Milan, Italy, there is a law on the books that requires a smile on the face of all citizens at all times. Exemptions include time spent visiting patients in hospitals or attending funerals. Otherwise, the fine is $100 if they are seen in public without a smile on their face.

Talking on a cellular phone while driving is against the law in Israel.

Because of heavy traffic congestion, Julius Caesar banned all wheeled vehicles from Rome during daylight hours.

In 1968, a convention of beggars in Dacca, India, passed a resolution demanding that the minimum amount of alms be fixed at 15 paisa (three cents).

In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Inca Indians of Peru, the couple was considered officially wed when they took off their sandals and handed them to each other.

During the eighteenth century, books that were considered offensive were sometimes punished by being whipped.

The Spanish Inquisition once condemned the entire Netherlands to death for heresy.

A girl, in the Vacococha tribe of Peru, to prepare her for marriage at the age of 12, is placed in a basket in the hut of her prospective in-laws and must remain suspened over an open fire night and day for 3 months.

In the Middle Ages, the highest court in France ordered the execution of a cow for injuring a human.

Margaret Sanger was jailed for a month, in 1917, in a workhouse for founding a clinic that dispensed contraceptives.

The curtain or veil used by some Hindus and Moslems to seclude or hide their women from strangers is called a "purdah."

The mummified hand of a notary public, chopped off for falsely certifying a document, has been on display in the city hall of Munster, Germany, as a warning to other notaries for 400 years.

It is legal in North Dakota to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.

Women in Florida may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.

Snoring is prohibited in Massachusetts unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. It is also illegal to go to bed without first having a full bath.

Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the U.S. since 1916 when a man mailed a 40,000-ton brick house across Utah to avoid high freight rates.

In Hartford, Connecticut, you may not, under any circumstances, cross the street walking on your hands.

To pass U.S. Army basic training young female recruits must do 17 pushups in two minutes. Males must do 40 pushups in two minutes.

At the first professional baseball game, the umpire was fined 6 cents for swearing.

During the time of Peter the Great, any Russian man who wore a beard was required to pay a special tax.

During World War II, bakers in the United States were ordered to stop selling sliced bread for the duration of the war on January 18, 1943. Only whole loaves were made available to the public. It was never explained how this action helped the war effort.

During World War I, the punishment for homosexuality in the French army was execution.

Quebec and Newfoundland are the only two provinces which do not allow personalized license plates.

The ship, the Queen Elizabeth 2, should always be written as QE2. QEII is the actual queen.

In Atlanta, Georgia, it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.

In 1996, Christmas caroling was banned at two major malls in Pensacola, Florida. Apparently, shoppers and merchants complained the carolers were too loud and took up too much space.

In 1388, English Parliament banned waste disposal in public waterways and ditches.

In most places, when a drawbridge is open, the only land vehicle that can claim priority over boats is a truck hauling the US mail. This option is seldom if ever exercised, of course.

Found on a butane lighter: "Warning: Flame may cause fire."

Found on the handle of a hammer: "Caution: Do not use this hammer to strike any solid object."

Found on Bat Man The Animated Series Armor Set Halloween costume box: "PARENT: Please exercise caution, mask and chest plate are not protective; cape does not enable wearer to fly."

Found on the instruction sheet of a Conair Pro Style 1600 hair dryer: "WARNING: Do not use in shower. Never use while sleeping."

Found a box of Tampax Tampons: "Remove used tampon before inserting a new one."

Found on Axius Sno-Off Automobile Windshield cover: "Caution: Never drive with the cover on your windshield."

A local ordinance in Atwoodville, Connecticut prohibits people from playing Scrabble while waiting for a politician to speak.

In December 1997, the state of Nevada (USA) became the first state to pass legislation categorizing Y2K data disasters as "acts of God"— protecting the state from lawsuits that may potentially be brought against it by residents in the year 2000.

In Hartford Connecticut, it is illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on Sundays.

In Milan, Italy, when an operator dialed a wrong number, the phone company fined the operator.

In Italy, it is illegal to make coffins out of anything except nutshells or wood.

It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

In Turkey, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, anyone caught drinking coffee was put to death.

Christmas was once illegal in England.

In Utah, birds have the right of way on all highways.

During the time that the atomic bomb was being hatched by the United States at Alamogordo, New Mexico, applicants for routine jobs like janitors, were disqualified if they could read. Illiteracy was a job requirement. The reason: the authorities did not want their trash or other papers read.

In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket.

No building in DC may be taller than 13 floors. This is so that no matter where in the city you are, you can see the monument to our first president, Washington.

Texas is the only state that permits residents to cast absentee ballots from space. The first to exercise this right to vote while in orbit was astronaut David Wolf, who cast his vote for Houston mayor via e-mail from the Russian space station Mir in November 1997.

Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.

It was once against the law to slam your car door in a city in Switzerland.

In Pakistan, it is rude to show the soles of your feet or point a foot when you are sitting on the floor.

In Thailand, the left hand is considered unclean, so you should not eat with it. Also, pointing with one finger is considered rude and is only done when pointing to objects or animals, never humans.

Being rude to a telephone operator in Prussia was once a crime. In 1908, a respected citizen was reprimanded by the government after becoming exasperated with an operator and saying "My dear girl!"

In South America, it would be rude not to ask a man about his wife and children. In most Arab countries, it would be rude to do so.

In some smaller towns in the state of Arizona, it is illegal to wear suspenders.

In seventeenth-century Japan, no citizen was allowed to leave the country on penalty of death. Anyone caught coming or going without permission was executed on the spot.

In Pennsylvania, Ministers are forbidden from performing marriages when either the bride or groom is drunk.

In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be punished by death before a firing squad.

In Saudi Arabia, a woman reportedly may divorce her husband if he does not keep her supplied with coffee.

Women were banned by royal decree from using hotel swimming pools in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, in 1979.

Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine are the four states in the U.S. that do not allow billboards.

In New York State, it is still illegal to shoot a rabbit from a moving trolley car
Category: Do you know? | Views: 5571 | Added by: Adamsummer | Rating: 0.0/0
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Animal Toys Icons 1.0
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Published by Downsoft on September 4, 2007
5 freeware icons of animals, Elephant, Giraffe, Gorilla, Lion, Zebra from Fasticon.
The FastIcons Free Icons are available for download as standard Windows icons.
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Publisher:Fast Icon Studio
Date added:September 4, 2007
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I'm used to seeing a "new mail" icon show up in the System Tray whenever I
have unread mail waiting in Outlook Express. Recently,however,I notice
that there are times when I do have new (unrea..
New mail icon in System Tray is not appearing
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New mail icon in System Tray is not appearing
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Frank D. Nicodem JExternalSince: May 27, 2004Posts: 22
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:10 am Post subject: New mail icon in System Tray is not appearingArchived from groups: microsoft>public>windows>inetexplorer>ie6_outlookexpress (more info?)
I'm used to seeing a "new mail" icon show up in the System Tray whenever I
have unread mail waiting in Outlook Express. Recently, however, I notice
that there are times when I do have new (unread) mail in my Inbox, but the
"new mail envelope" icon does not show up in the System Tray. I'm not
talking about the icon being "hidden", and having to expand the System Tray
to see it. (I know how to handle that, through the Taskbar section of the
Start button Properties. That's not the issue.)
Does anyone have any idea if there's a setting that enables/disables this
icon, or why it might not be showing up when I do have new mail?
Frank D. Nicodem, Jr.
Mail RemoveThis @FrankNicodem.com
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Bruce HagenExternalSince: Apr 17, 2004Posts: 12701
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:10 am Post subject: Re: New mail icon in System Tray is not appearing [Login to view extended thread Info.]Archived from groups: per prev. post (more info?)
Are you using Trend Micro by any chance? This refers to the icon as well as
New email sound in Outlook Express is not functioning after installing Trend
Micro Anti-Spam (TMAS) 3.52 - Pilot:
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Frank D. Nicodem, Jr." wrote in message
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Frank D. Nicodem JExternalSince: May 27, 2004Posts: 22
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:00 pm Post subject: Re: New mail icon in System Tray is not appearing [Login to view extended thread Info.]Archived from groups: per prev. post (more info?)
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Thanks for the info. However, Trend Micro Anti-Spam is not installed on
this system. (I'm using the free AVG anti-virus, anti-spyware application.)
What's most puzzling is that the problem isn't permanent. For instance,
earlier this morning, I had new E-mail but no icon showed up in the System
Tray. Later in the afternoon, however, when more new E-mail arrived, the
icon suddenly showed up! So I guess I'd call it some kind of "glitch", as
opposed to a full-out "bug".
Frank D. Nicodem, Jr.
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