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Amazing fact 13

Domestic cats hate lemons or other citrus scents.

Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags.

Dominique Larrey, Napoleon's chief surgeon, could amputate a leg in 13 seconds.

Don Mac Lean's song "American Pie" was written about Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. Richardson (The Big Bopper), who all died in the same plane crash.

Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, has been translated into more languages than any book outside of the Bible.

Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.

Donald Duck lives at 1313 Webfoot Walk, Duckburg, Calisota.

Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes

Don't even think about having sex while in a moving ambulance in Tremonton, Utah as it is very, very illegal. Of course, a stationary ambulance is another story.

Dr. Alice Chase, who wrote 'Nutrition for Health', died of malnutrition. (not verified)

Dr. George F. Grant received U.S. patent number 638,920 on December 12, 1899. His invention? The golf tee. He created it because he didn't want to get his hands dirty by building a mound of dirt to place his ball on.

Dr. Guillotin merely proposed the machine that bears his name (which was rejected by the crown) and he never made a working model. The first working model was made by his assistant years later. When the machine attained infamy in the French Revolution, Dr.Guillotin protested its use and went to his grave claiming that the machine was unjustly named after him.

Dr. Joel Poinsett, the 1st US ambassador to Mexico, brought the poinsettia to US in 1828. The plant, called "flower of the blessed night" in Mexico was renamed in Poinsett's honor.

Dr. Seuss pronounced his name "soyce".

Dr. Seuss wrote "Green Eggs and Ham" after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than 50 different words.

Draftsmen have to make 27,000 drawings for the manufacturing of a new car.

Dragonflies are one of the fastest insects, flying 50 to 60 mph.

Dragonfly larvae develop under the water and eject water from their anus to propel them for short distances

Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the letters "MT".

Dry ice does not melt, it evaporates.

Dry wine is a wine that has been completely fermented, meaning that only 0.1% of the sugar remains.

Due to precipitation, for a few weeks K2 was bigger than Mt Everest.

Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

Duffel bags are named after a town of Duffel, Belgium, where they were first made.

Dunkirk, France is the site of the largest military evacuation in history. During World War II, some 340,000 Allied troops were evacuated to England. The retreat by sea took place between May 26 and June 4, 1940.

During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building may sway several feet to either side.

During conscription for World War II, there were nine documented cases of men with three testicles.

During Hell Week (the most grueling portion of training) the trainees get 4 hours of sleep.

During his entire life, Vincent Van Gogh sold exactly one painting, "Red Vineyard at Arles".

During his entire lifetime, Herman Melville's timeless classic of the sea, 'Moby Dick', only sold 50 copies.

During his lifetime Paganini published only five compisitions. He didn't expect anybody to be able to play them, and at that time nobody could.

During its entire life time a housefly never travels more than a hundred feet from the place where it was born.

During pregnancy, the average woman's uterus expands up to five hundred times its normal size.

During the 1600's, boys and girls in England wore dresses until they were about seven years old.

During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, (1897-1898) potatoes were practically worth their weight in gold. Potatoes were so valued for their vitamin C content that miners traded gold for potatoes.

During the American Civil War the Union soldiers were issued eight pounds of ground roasted coffee as part of their personal ration of one hundred pounds of food. And they had another choice: ten pounds of green coffee beans.

During the average human life, you will consume 70 assorted bugs as well as 10 spiders whilst you sleep.

During the baseball rivalries between the two major leagues in the 1890s, the Pittsburgh Nationals took advantage of a technicality and signed a player away from another club. The Nationals' president, J. Palmer O'Neill, was called J. "Pirate" O'Neill, and his club became the Pittsburgh Pirates.

During the California gold rush of 1849, miners sent their laundry to Honolulu for washing and pressing. Due to the extremely high costs in California during these boom years, it was deemed more feasible to send their shirts to Hawaii for servicing.

During the chariot scene a small red car can be seen in the distance.

During the chariot scene in "Ben Hur", a small red car can be seen in the distance.

During the filming of Singin' in the Rain, the director had two ladies Carol Haney and Gwen Verdon put on tap dancing shows and dance around in bucketsful of water. Apparently, he liked Gene Kelly's dancing, but wasn't able to get the sound he wanted for someone dancing in the rain. The sounds of Gene Kelly's tap dancing in the movie aren't really the sounds he made during the filming of the movie.

During the mid-1800s, less than half of the newborn babies lived more than ten years. Today, over 90 percent do.

During the Prohibition, at least 1,565 Americans died from drinking bad liquor, hundreds were blinded, and many were killed in bootlegger wars. Federal Agents and the Coast Guard made 75,000 arrests per year.

During the Reign of Peter the Great, their was a special tax on anyone who had a beard.

During the time of Peter the Great, any Russian who wore a beard was required to pay a special tax.

During the US Civil war, 200,000 blacks served in the Union Army; 38,000 gave their lives; 22 won the Medal of Honor.

During the winter, squirrels make waterproof nests in hollow trees.

During warm weather, hippos secrete a reddish, oily fluid, called pink sweat, which acts as a skin conditioner to keep it moist.

During winter in Moscow the skating rinks cover more than 250,000 square meters of land.

During World War II Canadian scientists secretly developed biological weapons which were later taken over by the USA. Anthrax was one.

During World War II the U.S. government used 260 million pounds of instant coffee.

During World War II, bakers in the United States were ordered to stop selling sliced bread for the duration of the war on January 18, 1943. Only whole loaves were made available to the public. It was never explained how this action helped the war effort.

During World War II, the very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, an avid golfer, had a putting green installed on the White House lawn.

Dynamite contains peanuts.

Each banana plant bears only one stem of fruit. To produce a new stem, only two shoots known as the daughter and the granddaughter are allowed to grow and be cultivated from the main plant.

Each day, there are over 120 million sexual intercourse taking place all over the world.thanx kim (Now dont you feel more contented each night before you go to sleep ALONE)

Each human generates about 3.5 pounds of rubbish a day, mostly paper.

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history. Spades King David, Clubs Alexander the Great, Hearts Charlemagne, and Diamonds Julius Caesar.

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades = David ; Clubs = Alexander the Great ; Hearts = Charlemagne ; Diamonds = Caesar

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades King David, Clubs Alexander the Great, Hearts Charlemagne, Diamonds Julius Caesar.

Each person's ears are unique.

Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels.

Each unit on the Richter Scale is equivalent to a power factor of about 32. So a 6 is 32 times more powerful than a 5! Though it goes to 10, 9 is estimated to be the point of total tectonic destruction. 2 is the smallest that can be felt unaided.

Each year 50,000 earthquakes take place on this planet.

Each year approximately 250,000 American husbands are physically attacked and beaten by their wives.

Each year in America there are about 300,000 deaths that can be attributed to obesity.

Each year, insects eat 1/3 of the Earth's food crop.

Earth's magnetic field has been weakening. It seems to have lost 15% of its strength since 1670. At the present rate of decrease, it will reach zero in 2,000 years. Between the years 3500 and 4500, the magnetic field will not be sufficiently strong enough to ward off charged radiation from outer space.

Easter is the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after March 21.

Eating breakfast will help you burn from 5-20% more calories throughout the day.

Eating large amounts of carrots will eventually turn your skin orange because of the chemical substance called carotene which is found in carrots. Carotene is the cause of the orange hue in leaves during the fall.

Eddie Arcaro, one of the greatest jockeys in horse race history, rode 250 losers before he won his first race. Ultimately, Arcaro won 4,779 races including five Derby winners, six in the Preakness, and six in the Belmont Stakes, on such famous horses as Whirlaway, Citation, and Kelso.

Edgar Allan Poe introduced mystery fiction's first fictional detective, Auguste C. Dupin, in his 1841 story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue."

Eggplant is a member of the thistle family.

Eggs sink in water when they are fresh and float when expired.

Eight positions are mentioned in Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First?" routine. Only right field was left out.

Einstein couldn't speak fluently when he was nine. His parents thought he might be retarded.

El Capitan in Yosemite National Park is the largest visible granite rock in the world. It's twice the size of the Rock of Gibraltar.

Eleanor Roosevelt wrote David O. Selznick to ask that her maid, Lizzy McDuffy, be considered for the role of Mammy in Gone With the Wind.

Electrical stimulation of certain areas of the brain has been proven to revive long-lost memories.

Elephant tusks grow throughout an elephant's life and can weigh more than 200 pounds. Among Asian elephants, only the males have tusks. Both sexes of African elephants have tusks.

Elephants are capable of swimming 20 miles in one day.

Elephants are the only Mammals that can't jump.

Elephants can communicate using sounds that are below the human hearing range: between 14 and 35 hertz.

Elephants can't jump.            

Elephants only sleep for two hours each day.

Elephants produce 50 pounds of manure every day.

Elephants, horses, and camels all descended from animals that originally came from North America, despite their present homes in Eurasia.

Elizabeth the First suffered from anthophobia (a fear of roses).

Elton John and The Beach Boys are tied for the record for the longest gap between number one hit singles in the United States. Both waited 21 years, 11 months.

Elvis had a twin brother named Aaron, who died at birth, which is why Elvis' middle name was spelled Aron: in honor of his brother. It is also misspelled on his tomb stone.

Elvis had a twin brother named Garon, who died at birth, which is why Elvis middle name was spelled Aron, in honor of his brother.

Elvis Presley made his first appearance on national television in 1956. He sang Blue Suede Shoes and Heartbreak Hotel on "The Dorsey Brothers Show."

Elwood Edwards did the voice for the AOL sound files (i.e. "You've got Mail!"). He is heard about 27 million times a day. The recordings were done before Quantum changed its name to AOL and the program was known as "Q-Link."

E-mails started in 1971. Ray Tomlinson is it's DADDY!! and the first e-mail was sent WRITTEN ENTIRELY IN UPPER CASE.

Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.

Emus cannot walk backwards.

Emus have double plumed feathers and they lay emerald/forest green eggs.

Engelbert Humperdinck's real name is Gerry Dorsey. He didn't make that name up, though. It originally belonged to the 1800s German musician who wrote the opera Hansel and Gretel.

England and the American colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar on September 14th, 1752. 11 days disappeared.

England once had a Prime Minister who was only 24 years old. He was William Pitt, elected in 1783.

England's King Edward VII gave a large diamond tiara to Wallis Warfield Simpson as a wedding gift. Simpson was the woman for whom Edward VII abdicated the throne for.

England's Stonehenge is 1500 years older than Rome's Colosseum.

English traders introduced opium to China to create a market for the drug. They then traded silver for opium to help pay other Chinese traders for their tea.

Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page were all once the lead guitarist for the English band the Yardbirds in the 1960's.

Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words, not a single word contained the letter "E."

Europe has no deserts, it is the only continent without one.

Evard Ericksen sculpted "The Little Mermaid" statue which is located in Copenhagen harbor.

Even if you cut off a cockroach's head, it can live for several weeks.

Even though they broke up 25 years ago, the Beatles continue to sell more records each year than the Rolling Stones.

Even when all the molecules in a single breath of air have been dispersed evenly in the earth's atmosphere, there will still be one or two of the same ones taken into the lungs with every subsequent breath. Every time you breathe in, you inhale one or two of the same molecules that you inhaled with the first breath you took as a baby.

Ever wonder how Swiss cheese is made? As the cheese ferments, a bacterial action generates gas. As the gas is liberated, it bubbles through the cheese, leaving all those holes.

Everest is not the tallest mountain. Mauna Kea Mountain in the Hawaiian Island is 230m taller. It is 4201m above water and 4877 underwater! Everest is only 8848m.

Every 14 years, Saturn's rings become briefly invisible to astronomers on Earth. At that time, the plane of the rings is tipped to that of the Earth's orbit, and they are seen edge-on. Since the ring's are so thin, they can't be seen at that angle.

Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year.

Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.

Every day, 7% of the US eats at McDonald's.

Every eleven years the magnetic poles of the sun switch. This cycle is called "Solarmax".

Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.

Every man in Brainerd, Minnesota is required by law to grow a beard.

Every person has a unique eye and tongue print.

Every person, including identical twins, has a unique eye and tongue print along with their finger print.

Every queen named Jane has either been murdered, imprisoned, gone mad, died young, or been dethroned.

Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million bacteria on it.

Every Swiss citizen is required by law to have a bomb shelter or access to a bomb shelter.

Every ten minutes, another plant or animal life form becomes extinct.

Every time Beethoven sat down to write music, he poured ice water over his head.

Every time the moon's gravity causes a ten-foot tide at sea, all the continents on earth rise at least six inches.

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

Every US president has worn glasses (just not always in public).

Every year 4 people in the UK die putting their trousers on.

Every year 8,000 people injure themselves while using a tooth pick.

Every year, $1.5 billion is spent on pet food. This is four times the amount spent on baby food.

Every year, Mexico City sinks about 10 inches.

Every year, surgical tools are left in approximately 1,500 patients in the USA. Fatter patients are more prone to having a surgical tool left inside of them due to the additional amount of space in their bodies.

Everyday, more money is printed for Monopoly sets than for the U.S. Treasury.

Everyone in the Middle Ages believed -as Aristotle had -that the heart was the seat of intelligence.

Everyone is colorblind at birth

Everyone knows that the U.S. gold depository is in Fort Knox, Kentucky. But nobody seems to know that the U.S. silver depository is at West Point, New York.

Everyone thought Albert Einstein suffered from dyslexia, because he couldn't speak properly until he was 9 years old.

Except for 2 and 3, every prime number will eventually become divisible by 6 if you either add or subtract 1 from the number. For example, the number 17, plus 1, is divisible by 6. The number 19, minus 1, is also divisible by 6

Experiments have shown that, ants are capable of lifting 50 times their own weight and pulling loads 300 times their own weight.

False eyelashes were invented by film director D.W. Griffith while he was making the 1916 epic, "Intolerance." He wanted actress Seena Owen to have lashes that brushed her cheeks.

Faye Wong received a 7 digit fee for recording 'eyes on me' and it took her about 4 hours.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

Federal law forbids recycling used eyeglasses in the United States.

Felix Faure (French President; 1841-1899), Pope Leo VII (936-939), Pope John VII (955-964), Pope Leo VIII (963-965), Pope John XIII (965-72), Pope Paul II (1467-1471), Lord Palmerston (British Prime Minister, 1784-1865), Nelson Rockefeller (US Vice President, 1908-1979), and John Entwistle (The Who's bassist, 1944-2002) all died while having sex.

Felix the Cat is the first cartoon character to ever have been made into a balloon for a parade.

Female chickens, or hens, need about 24 to 26 hours to produce one egg. Thirty minutes later they start the process all over again. In addition to the half-hour rests, some hens rest every three to five days and others rest every 10 days.

Female lions do 90% of the hunting.

Female rabbits on the other hand, reabsorb their embryo for the proteins

Females have a wider peripheral vision than males.

Ferrets sleep around 20 hours a day.

Ferris wheels are names after George W. Ferris who built the first one in Chicago in 1893.

Fin whales are the second largest animal ever to live on earth. They have been measured to over 80 feet long in Antarctic waters.

Finagle's Law was the one that went, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Not Murphy's Law.

Finely grinding coffee beans and boiling them in water is still known as "Turkish Coffee." It is still made this way today in Turkey and Greece or anywhere else Turkish Coffee is served.

Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails

Fingerprints serve a function they provide traction for the fingers to grasp things.

Finnish folklore says that when Santa comes to Finland to deliver gifts, he leaves his sleigh behind and rides on a goat named Ukko instead. According to French tradition, Santa Claus has a brother named Bells Nichols, who visits homes on New Year's Eve after everyone is asleep, and if a plate is set out for him, he fills it with cookies and cakes.

First Instant Replay was used during Army Navy Football Game at Municipal Stadium Philadelphia on December 7, 1963, invented by Tony Verna (CBS Director.)

First novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.

Fish scales are an ingredient in lipstick.

Five Jell-O®™ flavors have flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple and chocolate.

Five NFL teams have bird nicknames: Arizona Cardinals, Philadelphia Eagles, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens and Seattle Seahawks.

Flamingos are able to fly at a speed of approximately 55 kilometers an hour. In one night they can travel about 600 km.

Flavored coffees are created after the roasting process by applying flavored oils specially created to use on coffee beans.

Fleas are essential to the health of armadillos and hedgehogs; they provide necessary stimulation of the skin. Deloused armadillos and hedgehogs will die.

Fleas have killed more people (due to Bubonic plague and such) than all wars throughout history combined.

Fleas jump the equivilant of one mile..in insect feet.

Flies jump backwards when they take off.

Flies taste with their feet.

Flirtation between the members of the opposite sex on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30-day jail term.

Florence Nightingale Graham adopted the name Elizabeth Arden once her company became successful at the beginning of the 1900s.

Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay.

Flying from London to New York by Concord, due to the time zones crossed, you can arrive 2 hours before you leave.

Fog and a cloud are the same thing, only at different altitudes. Fog is simply a cloud lying on the earth, while clouds are fog floating in the sky.

Food is so scarce in the Arctic, that wolves don't waste any part of their meals. A wolf will eat every part of an arctic hare, including the skin, fur, and bones.

Food passes through the small intestine in just two hours, zipping along at 0.002 mph. Inside the large intestine, it takes about 14 hours, traveling at a more leisurely rate of 0.00007 mph

For 186 days you can not see the sun in the North Pole.

For a short distance, the bluefin tuna can swim 50 miles per hour.

For a typical lovemaking session, the man will thrust an average of 60 to 120 times.

For drinking, washing, etc., an average American uses 168 gallons of water per day. The average American residence uses 107,000 gallons per year.

For every 230 cars that are made, 1 will be stolen.

For every degree of longitude there is a time gap of four minutes.

For every memorial statue with a person on a horse, if the horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died of battle wounds; if all four of the horse's legs are on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

For five years, Webster's dictionary contained a definition of the word dord, a word that has never actually existed.

For hundreds of years, the people of Poona, India, have disposed of their dead by carrying the corpses to the top of a tower and letting the vultures eat them.

For the "wrong handed" people...Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people! That means DEATH to Lefties

For the 66% of American's who admit to reading in the bathroom, the preferred reading material is "Reader's Digest."

For two years, during the 1970s, Mattel marketed a doll called "Growing Up Skipper." Her breasts grew when her arm was turned.

Forks weren't widely used in the United States until the 1800s.

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt ate three chocolate-covered garlic balls in the morning. Her doctor told her it would help improve her memory.

Former President Cleveland defeated incumbent Benjamin Harrison in 1892, becoming the first (and, to date, only) chief executive to win non-consecutive terms to the White House.

Fortune cookies were invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodle maker.

Forty percent of McDonald's profits comes from the sale of Happy Meals.

Forty-six percent of the world's water is in the Pacific Ocean; that's around 6 sextillion gallons of water. The Atlantic has 23.9 percent; the Indian, 20.3; the Arctic, 3.7 percent.

Forty-six US federal agencies have officers with the authority to carry firearms and arrest people.

Found in Egypt, this illustration is over 3,000 years old.

Four different people played the part of Darth Vader (body, face, voice, and breathing).

Fourteen years before the Titanic sank, novelist Morgan Robertson published a novel called "Futility". The story was about an ocean liner that struck an iceberg on an April night. The name of the ship in his novel was The Titan.

Fourteenth century physicians didn't know what caused the plague, but they knew it was contagious. As a result they wore an early kind of bioprotective suit which included a large beaked head piece. The beak of the head piece, which made them look like large birds, was filled with vinegar, sweet oils and other strong smelling compounds to counteract the stench of the dead and dying plague victims.

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