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Main » 2012 » May » 29 » Networking: How to fix DHCP not working in Windows 8?
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Networking: How to fix DHCP not working in Windows 8?

Is your DHCP not working and not assigning a correct IP address to your Windows 8 PC?
fix dhcp

What is DHCP?

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP allows a computer to join a network without having a pre-configured IP address using the TCP/IP protocol. A computer needs an IP address to connect to the Internet.

The purpose of DHCP is to assign a dynamic IP addresses to a device on a network. Dynamic addressing means, a device can have a different IP address every time it connects to the network. In some systems, the IP address of the device or computer can even be changed while it is still connected.

Generally in case of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, users do not need to configure DHCP, as DHCP is often enabled by default and routers automatically assign an IP address to the computer. But sometimes DHCP may not work for different reasons. In that case you can do following actions to fix this problem.

A. Manually turn on DHCP in windows 8

1. Right click on Network icon in the right side of the taskbar and select Open Network and Sharing Center option.

Right click on Network icon and select

2. Now in Network and Sharing Center window under view your active networks option you can see the network with which you are presently connected. Now in Connections: option you can see Wired Ethernet Connection (This is the connection type of the network). There can be other types of connections also like Local Area Connection, Any type of USB modems or it may be any Wi-Fi network so without thinking about the connection type just click on the name on the right side of the Connections: option.

Wired Ethernet

3. Connection properties window will pop up. Click on the Properties option.

Click on Property

4. New window will pop up. Navigate to Networking tab. Then highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option and click on Properties option.

Click on properties

5. Finally, just enable Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically options. Press OK for all open windows. You are done.
Now the DHCP should work in Windows 8. Now check your IP address and make sure your computer is getting different IP address every time while connecting to the network.

Press OK

B. Try to renew DHCP lease

Renewal of all DHCP leases may solve this kind of problem. To renew all DHCP leases, go to command prompt and use this command line:

ipconfig /renew

Renew DHCP lease

C. Restart your Modem

If manually turning on of DHCP does not solve your problem, follow these steps:

1. Power off your modem completely (remove power cord and DSL connection).

2. Power OFF your computer and also remove Ethernet cable from computer or turn off Wi-Fi.

3. Plug Ethernet cable into your computer ,But keep it powered off now.

4. Plug the modem back in.

5. Wait for all the lights of the modem to be blinked and stabled (wait for 3 minutes to be safe).

6. Power on the computer.

7. Check if the problem has been solved.

D. Try disabling IPv6

If you have already tried all the methods and still having problem with DHCP, try disabling IPv6 and check whether the problem is solved or not.

Disable IPv6

E. Contact your ISP

Still having problem? Contact to your Internet Service Provider and make sure that DHCP is supported by your ISP. Follow all the steps what your ISP suggests

Category: Windows 8 Tips and Tricks | Views: 1373 | Added by: Adamsummer | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
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By WebOsPublisher

The source code
* @class Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField
* @extends Ext.form.TextField
* Creates a file upload field.
* @xtype fileuploadfield
Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField,
* @cfg String buttonText The button text to display on the upload button (defaults to
* 'Browse...'). Note that if you supply a value for @link #buttonCfg, the buttonCfg.text
* value will be used instead if available.
buttonText: 'Browse...',
* @cfg Boolean buttonOnly True to display the file upload field as a button with no visible
* text field (defaults to false). If true, all inherited TextField members will still be available.
buttonOnly: false,
* @cfg Number buttonOffset The number of pixels of space reserved between the button and the text field
* (defaults to 3). Note that this only applies if @link #buttonOnly = false.
buttonOffset: 3,
* @cfg Object buttonCfg A standard @link Ext.Button config object.
// private
readOnly: true,
* @hide
* @method autoSize
autoSize: Ext.emptyFn,
// private
initComponent: function()
* @event fileselected
* Fires when the underlying file input field's value has changed from the user
* selecting a new file from the system file selection dialog.
* @param Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField this
* @param String value The file value returned by the underlying file input field
// private
onRender : function(ct, position) ,
text: this.buttonText
this.button = new Ext.Button(Ext.apply(btnCfg,
renderTo: this.wrap,
cls: 'x-form-file-btn' + (btnCfg.iconCls ? ' x-btn-icon' : '')

this.resizeEl = this.positionEl = this.wrap;
bindListeners: function()
scope: this,
mouseenter: function()
mouseleave: function()
mousedown: function()
mouseup: function()
change: function()
var v = this.fileInput.dom.value;
this.fireEvent('fileselected', this, v);

createFileInput : function()
this.fileInput = this.wrap.createChild(
id: this.getFileInputId(),
name: this.name);
reset : function()
// private
getFileInputId: function()
return this.id + '-file';
// private
onResize : function(w, h)
Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField.superclass.onResize.call(this, w, h);
var w = this.wrap.getWidth() - this.button.getEl().getWidth() - this.buttonOffset;

// private
onDestroy: function()
Ext.destroy(this.fileInput, this.button, this.wrap);
onDisable: function()
onEnable: function()
// private
doDisable: function(disabled)
this.fileInput.dom.disabled = disabled;
// private
preFocus : Ext.emptyFn,
// private
alignErrorIcon : function()
this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.wrap, 'tl-tr', [2, 0]);

Ext.reg('fileuploadfield', Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField);
// backwards compat
Ext.form.FileUploadField = Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField;

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