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Optimized for Performance and Flexibility

Vision Engine 8 provides a powerful and versatile multi-platform runtime technology ideally suited for all types of games and capable of rendering extremely complex scenes at smooth frame rates. Providing a well-designed, clean and object-oriented C++ API, the technology includes a wide variety of features that break through technical barriers and open up a range of possibilities for game developers.

Large, Fully Customizable Feature Set

Engineered with creative and technical freedom in mind, the Vision Engine allows you to easily create your own rendering pipeline, integrate the physics system of your choice, or write your own animation code. Additionally, Trinigy´s game engine provides a large set of convenient high-level and low-level helper classes to make customization as easy as possible.

At the same time, an extensive set of out-of-the-box features reduces the development time and cost of your project. Lights and shadows, radiosity, animations, normal maps, particles, post-processing and much more - all these features are right at your fingertips once you have installed the Vision SDK.

High-Performance, Highly Stable Rendering

The Vision Engine´s rendering core has been designed for performance and stability, allowing highly detailed, realistic scenes to be rendered with maximum visual fidelity.

Shipped with complete source code, the default rendering pipeline serves as an ideal starting point for your game project, providing an extensive set of fully integrated features such as:

Normal maps, specular color and specular exponent maps, and virtual displacement maps
Radiosity-based, normal-mapped illumination with light grid and light maps
Dynamic illumination with advanced dynamic shadowing techniques, configurable attenuation, projected lights, and much more
Shadow maps, variance shadow maps, and cascaded shadow maps
Powerful multi-threaded particle engine
Overlay and GUI rendering
HDR and post-processing
Efficient instancing system for static and dynamic geometry
Powerful large terrain solution for vast, streamed landscapes, including Level of Detail support, holes in terrain, and seamless integration with complex indoor scenes.

The Vision Engine uses a combination of efficient visibility culling techniques - including hardware occlusion query, portals, and quadtrees/octrees - to achieve consistently high frame rates.

Engine Extensibility

The SDK ships with many plug-ins that extend the core engine´s feature set. These plug-ins can easily be customized and extended and include:

Physics bindings, i.e. the Vision Engine´s own physics system can easily be replaced by 3rd party physics using the game engine´s physics interface

Other 3rd party middleware integrations such as Kynapse AI or IDV SpeedTree
Advanced visual effects such as volumetric lights and volumetric shadows
Particle and cloth simulation including forces, many emitter types, customizable constraint types, and collision geometry
Cinematic playback
Sound modules with full support for 3D sound and sound occlusion as well as streaming on all platforms.
A comprehensive LUA-based scripting solution, which is fully integrated into the SDK´s WYSIWYG workflow.

Powerful Animation

The Vision Engine´s powerful animation system provides support for many of the animation methods in Autodesk 3ds Max and Maya. Optimized quaternion-based skeletal animations, morphing deformers, and vertex animations provide the basis for smooth, lifelike character animations. Skeletons and animation setups can be shared across meshes in order to save memory, while the sharing of animation results across entities allows for high-performance mass scenes with little performance impact.

Fully configurable animation trees makes dynamic layering and blending of arbitrary animations extremely easy. In keeping with the philosophy of creative and technical freedom, the Vision Engine additionally allows you to define your own vertex and bone modifiers, resulting in an extremely flexible animation setup.

Depending on the requirements of your game, animation can either be performed on the CPU, the GPU or the PlayStation 3´s SPUs, with many platform-specific optimizations ensuring optimal performance characteristics.

Customizable Streaming

The Vision Engine provides a powerful yet easily customizable streaming solution that is an ideal solution for vast yet highly detailed landscapes and large indoor/outdoor environments. Almost all resource types can be streamed in the background, including geometries, terrain, textures, shader libraries, animations, and much more.

Streaming is fully integrated into the Vision Engine´s scene editor, vForge, with its completely intuitive WYSIWYG workflow.

Optimized Platform Performance

The Vision Engine has been designed to provide exceptional high performance with a small memory footprint on all supported hardware platforms. A hand-tuned system of platform-specific optimizations ensures that both modern PCs and game consoles realize their maximum potential. Among the features accounting for the Vision Engine´s high performance are:

Batching of primitives and elimination of redundant state changes

Scalable effects and Level of Detail
Efficient visibility culling system
CPU-specific optimizations (ISSE, 3DNow!, AltiVec)
GPU-specific optimizations (memory export, vertex fetch, instancing, etc.)
Efficient cross-platform multi-threading architecture makes it possible to fully utilize the potential of current and future multi-core platforms, including multi-core PCs, Xbox360, and PlayStation 3.

The game engine´s multi-threading systems allow easy distribution of computing tasks across multiple CPUs/SPUs or hardware threads with very little overhead, thus taking full advantage of modern symmetric and asymmetric multi-core processors. Demo applications based on the Vision Engine have been chosen by Intel to demonstrate the performance benefits of computers with four and more CPU cores, yielding an almost linear performance gain.

In order to facilitate game-specific memory and performance optimizations, the Vision Engine ships with a convenient runtime profiling framework and provides a powerful resource management and analysis system. Performance bottlenecks can be easily identified and removed, while unused resources can be automatically purged and recreated.




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Category: Game making software | Views: 1433 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

Всесторонняя программная платформа для разработки мобильных игр и полноценных 3D приложений, которая предоставляет разработчику все современные инструменты для полноценной работы над проектами.

Компания Unity Technologies организована в 2005 году, в Дании, в настоящее время головной офис находиться в Копенгагене и представительства в США, Дании, Великобритании, Литве. Компания Unity Technologies является провайдером программного обеспечения для разработки 3D-игр и открывает новые возможности по созданию функционального онлайн-контента, а так же предлагает инструменты для разработчиков игр и специалистов по визуализации для создания лучшего 3D-контента для Интернета, ПК, iPhone и Wii.
Unity3D — профессиональный инструмент для разработки игр и различных 3D приложений. Созданные в редакторе проекты работают под Windows, iPhone, Wii и другие платформы, а также через платформонезависимый web-плеер Unity (подключается к браузеру как plugin). Unity3D поддерживает все версии DirectX и OpenGL и позволяет создавать игры начиная с казуальных и заканчивая шутерами и MMO проектами. Программировать в Unity можно на трёх языках - Java, C#, Boo.

Одним из достоинств новой версии движка Unity3d является поддержка технологии web-клиента, когда игра идёт прямо в браузере, на Windows, от пользователя требуется только установка специального plugin. До недавнего времени Unity3d был одним из немногих движков, полноценно поддерживающим платформы iPhone и Nintendo Wii.
Новая версия движка еще больше расширяет список платформ. Поддержка iPhone/iPod расширена до последнего гаджета от Aplle iPad. Появилась поддержка Xbox 360 и PlayStation 3, включая работу из встроенного браузера консолей. Не обойдена вниманием и новая мобильная платформа — Android от Google.
«Начинка» движка также подверглась коренной переработке, теперь Unity Engine 3 поддерживает технологию отложенного (deferred) рендеринга. В ядро движка вошли две лицензированных технологии: имитации глобального освещения «Beast», использовавшаяся в Mirror`s Edge, и отсечения невидимых поверхностей «Umbra». Также была переработана система звука, добавив эффекты реверберации, программируемые фильтры и редактируемые кривые затухания, а поддержка Physics eXtensions позволила значительно улучшить физическую модель.

Обзор основных нововведений в Unity3d 3.0:

- Deferred Rendering
Cистема раздельного освещения (cutting-edge deferred lighting system), которая позволяет использовать в сцене сотни источников освещения и практически не терять производительности. G-Buffers так же открывает широкие возможности для high-end эффектов без потери производительности.
- Beast Lightmapping
Технология используемая в таких играх как : Mirror's Edge and Killzone 2 значительно улучшит картинку и ускорит производительность.
- Occlusion Culling
Лицензированная система #1 среди Occlusion Culling технологий в мире, которая улучшит производительность не только на мобильных устойствах, но и на компьютерах.
- Source-level Debugging
Новый инструмент - визуальный Debugging, существенно облегчить редактирование.
- Audio Magic
Встроенная поддержка Reverb Zones, фильтров, трэкер файлов и множества других приятностей. Так же будут представлены редактируемые кривые для управления большей части аудио параметров, что позволит получить абсолютный контроль над аудиоокружением.
- Project Browser
Существенно поможет облегчить работу над большим проектами.

Краткий перечень некоторых игр написанных в Unity3D:

- Need For Speed от Electronic Arts (онлайн)
- FUSIONFALL (броузерная ММОГ)
- Interstellarmarines (изначально разрабатывался на Unreal Engine)
- Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 для LEGO.
- Paper Moon
- Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood
- Metal Blast
- Zombieville USA (iPhone)
- Max and the Magic Marker (Wii и PC)

Unity - a multiplatform tool for game development. Editor runs under Windows and MacOS. Games run under Windows, MacOS, Wii, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, PS3, XBox 360 and through the platform-independent Web Player Unity (connected to the browser as a plugin).Year: 2010

System Requirements for Unity Authoring:
* Windows: XP SP2 or later; Mac OS X: Intel CPU & "Leopard" 10.5 or later. Note that Unity was not tested on server versions of Windows and OS X.
* Graphics card with 64 MB of VRAM and pixel shaders or four texture units. Any card made in this millennium should work.
* Using Occlusion Culling requires GPU with Occlusion Query support (some Intel GPUs do not support that).
* The rest only depends on the complexity of your projects!.

System Requirements for Unity iOS Authoring:
* An Intel-based Mac
* Mac OS X "Snow Leopard" 10.6 or later
* The rest only depends on the complexity of your projects!

System Requirements for Unity-Authored Content:
* Windows 2000 or later; Mac OS X "Panther" 10.3.9 or later.
* Pretty much any 3D graphics card, depending on complexity.
* Online games run on all browsers, including IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, among others.

Version: 3.00.f5
Developer: Unity
Bit depth: x32/x64
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Language: English
Medicine: Present

Home : unity3d.com

Category: Game making software | Views: 1864 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

ShiVa – профессиональный трёхмерный движок, позволяющий создавать игры любого типа, сложности и жанра. На нём можно создавать игры разных жанров: FPS, платформеры, адвенчуры, MMORPG, гоночные симуляторы, шутеры. Возможность издавать свои игры для Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, PDA, Smartphone, iPhone и др. Уникальный проект основанный на технологиях StoneTrip [Ston3D].

По техническим особенностям движок отвечает всем современным требованиям, обладает практически всеми возможностями, которые отвечают времени. Все графические технологии присутствуют.

Пакет включает в себя всё необходимое, в том числе: физику, анимацию, свет, звук, видео, сеть и пр. В общем, рекомендуется профессионалам и начинающим разработчикам.

Shiva Advanced, the full complete version to create every kind of application.
Include a Team Development Manager, Performance reporter, Level Of Details Manager, Screenshots Generator, Material Batch processing and Advanced export options
ShiVa, a platform for 3D real time development, allows you to make games such as:
- First person shooter "FPS"
- Platform games.
- Adventure games.
- Massive online multiplayer role-play game "MMO".
- Race simulation games.
- Shoot them up game.

But ShiVa also allows you to make serious games applications and 3D real time applications for professional use such as:
- Architecture.
- Engineering.
- Communication and marketing.


ShiVa integrates an up-to-date graphics engine, able to reproduce all the effects you need for your creations
in all styles, cartoon or ultra-realistic, as far as your imagination will take you.

Support of polygonal meshes, including :
- static meshes,
- dynamic meshes controlled by a skeleton (with up to 4 joints per vertex),
- importation of meshes from XSI, Maya, 3DSMax or Blender using the collada open standard (.dae)
- unlimited size and number of faces.

Simple and advanced materials support, including :
- Gouraud, Phong and Toon shadings (with outlining),
- bump texture maps,
- gloss texture maps,
- noise texture maps,
- animated textures,
- dynamic textures,
- dynamic procedural texture mapping coordinates generation (planar, spherical, perspective),
- texture mapping modifier (with or without animation).

Lights and Shadows
Advanced lighting support, including :
- static lighting (per vertex or with lightmap),
- dynamic lighting (per vertex or per pixel),
- dynamic soft shadows (with self shadowing),
- unlimited number of lights.

Reflection and Refraction
Dynamically generated reflection and refraction textures, allowing to reproduce :
- water effects, simples and complexes,
- mirrors,
- ice...

3D Special Effects
Dynamic particle system and motion trail support, allowing to simulate :
- explosions or splashes,
- fire, rain, snow or underwater air bubbles,
- tire tracks on the road, the sand or the snow,
- localised retinal persistence (fires of car the night, trail of sword...).

2D Post Render Effects
Dynamic cumulative post render effects, including :
- light bloom,
- color levels and saturation,
- motion blur.


ShiVa integrates the dynamics engine ODE allowing you to simulate physical interactions between objects in an
impressive realistic way.

Collision meshes
Support of the polygonal collision meshes, including :
- static or moving meshes,
- robust and optimized ray cast,
- no limit of size nor of number of faces.

Rigid bodies
Realistic and robust simulation of rigid bodies :
- management of the physical parameters (form, mass, friction, rebound…),
- management of the linear and angular forces, the fields and the impulses,
- management of the collisions.

System of connection between several rigid bodies, including :
- simple joints (spring, hinge, slider...),
- complex joints (axle of car…),
- motor joints.


ShiVa integrates an advanced animation engine, configurable and workable in script which will give life to your objects.

Squeletal animation
Hierarchical animation support, allowing to control skinned meshes :
- characters, animals,
- facial animations,
- unlimited number of joints.

Motion blending
Advanced realtime animation mixing processing :
- allows to perform smooth transitions between animations,
- many playback modes available for each animation channels,
- up to 8 simultaneous animation channels per objet, with custom settings.

Skeleton synchronization
Automatic synchronization system between many skeletons :
- one animated object can clone his animation on other objects,
- allows to reproduce an optimized crawl animation,
- allows to automatically stacking (for clothes or equipments).

Total control from the script
Drive the animations and skeletons from the script, allowing to :
- mix in realtime your animations,
- know the position of every joint in world space,
- make a character look at the active camera.


ShiVa integrates an automatic follow up paths engine to facilitate the creation of autonomous movement behaviour.

Automatic pathfinding
System of detection and automatic follow-up of way, allowing to :
- create autonomous moving objects easily,
- to find the shortest way between two points while avoiding the obstacles.

Script Full control from the script


ShiVa integrates a scripting module based on an optimised version of the language LUA, allowing the control all the
engine functionalities and letting you do whatever you want to do.

Based on an optimized and simplified version of the language LUA, you will be able from script to :
- create complex behaviors,
- control all the parts of the engine with the hundreds of dedicated functions.

States Finite State Machines
Native support of the finite-state machines, with for goal :
- to simplify the design of your AIs,
- to separate the various ”states” from your artificial behavior.

Optimized event manager, allowing to :
- make communicate the objects between them semantically,
- model the exchanges in the form of ”stimuli”.


ShiVa integrates an audio management engine capable of managing the punctual sounds as well as streaming
playback musics.

Ponctual sounds
Ponctual sounds playback with realtime control, from the scripts, of gain or pitch.
3D localized sound support

Ambient musics
Streaming of large music files, including :
- volume control,
- automatic crossfade between musics.


ShiVa integrates a video file management which allows you to provide high quality cinematics to your users.


ShiVa manages all types of peripherals such as keyboard, joypad which connect your applications and their users.


ShiVa can create multi-user applications on internet or within a local network.


ShiVa integrates a system dedicated to the management of user interface components to create dynamic,
intelligent and autonomous interfaces.

Native support of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"head up display\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" components, including :
- common components (labels, buttons, editboxes, listboxes...),
- special components (video preview, webcam capture preview...),
- you can create your own controls.

Component animation system, allowing to :
- create effects of appearance or disappearance of components,
- create dynamic, intelligent and autonomous interfaces.

Crack Manual:Use Patch, and Activation Key:



http://www.filesonic.com/file/31408323/ShiVa v1.9.0 Advanced.part1.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/31413043/ShiVa v1.9.0 Advanced.part2.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/31416559/ShiVa v1.9.0 Advanced.part3.rar
Category: Game making software | Views: 1479 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

Trinigy Vision SDK v.8.0.16 (2010) | 2.81 GB

Trinigy Vision SDK - A new set offers a long list of new features, including improved lighting system, allowing you to create a physically accurate lighting as stationary objects and moving images, taking into account the effect of radiosity (indirect lighting), and maps.


Company Trinigy, engaged in the development of game engines, today announced the Vision Game Engine version 7.6.3.
A new set of developer Vision (Vision SDK) provides a large list of new features, including improved lighting system, allowing you to create a physically accurate lighting as stationary objects and moving images, taking into account the effect of radiosity (indirect lighting), and normal maps.
A new feature, Radiosity is a graphics technology for creating natural lighting (including indirect lighting) based on a physical model of light propagation within a complex architectural environment. This technique allows you to accurately calculate the propagation path of light and carry out a full-color visualization of the scene ..
Another outstanding innovation became editor vForge, works on the principle ?What you see is what you get? (What you see is what you get). The new editor allows you to make changes to the game, even when it is launched to directly assess the changes. This possibility could significantly reduce the time and cost of game development. To ensure the specific needs of project-specific editor vForge provides operational changes to the file by the developer.

Short description (ENG):

The Vision Engine - Engineered for Freedom
Every feature in the Vision Engine has been carefully engineered to empower game developers like you with more technical and creative freedom.
Freedom of Choice
Now in use on over 100 projects, the Vision Engine gives you the freedom to create the type of game you want (MMOs, FPS, RPG, casual, serious, etc) on the platform of your choice. It has been carefully optimized to efficiently utilize all available hardware resources on all major platforms (PC, Xbox360 ?, PLAYSTATION ? 3 and Nintendo Wii ?).
Freedom of Workflow
The Vision Engine boosts productivity and creativity by removing the technical limitations so often imposed on your design, art and programming departments. Superior run-time rendering, state-of-the-art exporters for the latest versions of Max and Maya, a WYSIWYG scene editor with a myriad of useful tools and fully integrated middleware technologies, a lighting editor, as well as model, scene and resource viewers help you quickly integrate, explore and visualize new ideas and push the limits of game design.
Freedom from Risk
In addition to mature and proven game engine technology, you receive a reliable technology partner that provides immediate, skilled support, helpful samples and documentation, continuous software updates and access to our secure Vision Developer's Site

Trinigy Vision SDK - A new set offers a long list of new features, including improved lighting system, allowing you to create a physically accurate lighting as stationary objects and moving images, taking into account the effect of radiosity (indirect lighting), and maps.

Title: Trinigy Vision SDK
Version: 7.6.3, 8.0.2, 8.0.16
Developer: Trinigy
Platform: x32, Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Language: English
Medicine: Present

Category: Game making software | Views: 2343 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

Autodesk Maya 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack WIN32 & WIN64
WIN32: 1.52 GB | WIN64: 1.66 GB

Autodesk Maya 2011
software features powerful new tools for helping create and repurpose character animation: enhanced skinning capabilities and non-destructive live motion retargeting. Its new 3D Editorial timeline helps accelerate pre-visualization and virtual movie-making workflows, while an invigorated user interface helps improve artists efficiency and creativity. Maya 2011 addresses today s demanding production requirements with its high-performance viewport display of large scenes, integrated color management, scene segmentation, improved rotoscoping, and new UI toolkit. With support for 64-bit as Windows operating systems, Maya is now more accessible than ever, offering artists an end-to-end creative workflow at exceptional value.

Maya Subscription Advantage Pack for 2011 Top Features and Benefits

Substance Procedural Textures
Choose from a library of up to 75 new Substance procedural textures, and edit or animate parameters to help achieve a vast range of looks. These dynamic, resolution-independent textures have a tiny memory and disk space footprint, making them ideal for exporting to games engines via the Allegorithmic Substance Air middleware offering; integration is currently provided for Unreal? Engine 3 game engine, Emergent's Gamebryo? game engine, and Unity. Alternatively, textures can be baked to bitmaps for use with certain renderers. Some examples are: BrickWall, with adjustable brick distribution, surface aging, and mortar thickness; ModernConcrete, in which artists can adjust the age of the concrete revealing to varying degrees the rebar beneath; and Eye, with parameters for pupil size, eye color, and extent of veining.

Craft Animation Tools
Now it?s significantly easier to create believable, complex camera movements that mimic real-world set-ups, with four new camera rigs from the Craft Director Studio? animation tool. Rigs can be connected to a joystick or certain other input devices, enabling the animator to intuitively drive the camera while automatically recording a path in real time. The rigs also enable animators to more easily stabilize turbulent or unnatural camera movements; to add subtle movement to an existing animated camera in order to mimic hand-held shakiness or more violent disturbances such as an earthquake; and to smoothly transition or instantly cut between different camera views and settings. Also included are four pre-rigged models? two cars, and two airplanes?that can be used to more quickly pre-visualize scenes or to help create in-game cinematics. Used alone or in conjunction with the camera rigs, these rigs offer a faster and easier way to simulate complex vehicle motion, including terrain recognition.

FX Assets
Select from a range of easy-to-use effects and assign them to an object as easily as assigning a shader. Building on the Maya Asset framework and simulation toolsets, these FX Assets present only the relevant editable and animatable attributes to the artist, helping them more easily customize the effect to their requirements.

Motion Capture Samples
Leverage the new motion retargeting capabilities of Maya 2011 with up to 70 new motion capture samples that provide useful starting points to help more quickly create pre-visualizations and develop animations. Utilizing the Autodesk? FBX? 2011 asset exchange format, the samples can be shared between Maya 2011, 3ds Max 2011, Softimage 2011, Autodesk? MotionBuilder? 2011 software and certain other applications that support FBX.

More info: http://area.autodesk.com/blogs/cory/maya_and_motionbuilder_2011_advantage_packs

Install note:

1.Install Autodesk Maya Standalone
2.Use as Serial 000-00000000
3.Use as Product Key 657C1 or 00000 (if you selected trial)
4.Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product
5.Before clicking on Activate
You have 2 options :
- a) Disable Your network Card, pull the network cable out or block with firewall
(this is just to disable online serial check)
- b) Click on Activate and it will tell you that your serial is wrong, simply click
on close et click on activate again.

Choose option a or b.

6. Select I have an activation code from Autodesk
(use as product key 657C1 and serial 666-69696969 or 666-68686868 ...)
7.Once at the activation screen:
start XFORCE Keygen
8.Click on Mem Patch (you should see successfully patched)
9.Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate
10.Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next
You have a fully registered autodesk product

Category: Game making software | Views: 2132 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (5)

NewTek LightWave 10 delivers a whole new set of groundbreaking tools for 3D artists. Whether you work alone or play well with others, LightWave 10 has the tools you need to turn your dreams into gorgeous graphics and amazing animation for film, television, print, design … or simply to satisfy your desire to create something really cool. LightWave 10 gives you more speed, flexibility and control, along with new, interactive tools that let you model, render and animate, quickly and affordably. Plus, LightWave artists have won more Emmy® Awards for visual effects and animation than any other CG artists. Now that’s cool.

LightWave 10 benefits artists with unique, new capabilities not found in any other 3D application, like instant feedback from the Viewport Preview Renderer (VPR), the precision of a complete Linear Color Space Workflow, real-time Anaglyph Stereoscopic Preview, and Virtual Studio Tools that deliver real-time virtual walkthroughs.

LightWave 10 Modeler and Layout, with an updated and refined user interface, deliver extensive new data interchange tools that provide seamless integration into multi-application pipelines. LightWave 10 also includes NewTek’s next generation
CORE technologies with real-time OpenGL views of Ambient Occlusion, Bloom and HDRI background images, Python-based expressions and scripting, Bullet rigid body dynamics, sophisticated UV mapping capabilities and much more.

Lightwave 10 Final 32Bit For Win * XFORCE*


Lightwave 10 Final 64Bit For Win * XFORCE*


Available for users only
Category: Game making software | Views: 1428 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

Blogger Widgets