Collect wood, gather food and build shelters as you attempt to survive; add more members to your tribe as your village grows; complete challenges to advance; and explore more and more islands in this fun sequel to Escape from Paradise.
BBC NEWS @import "/css/screen/shared/shared.css"; @import "/shared/css/toolbar_banner.css"; .pageFourbackground-color:#6A6dbe; HomeNewsSportRadioTVWeatherLanguages [an error occurred while processing this directive] Low graphics|Accessibility help One-Minute World News News services Your news when you want it News Front Page Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK Business Health Science & Environment Technology Entertainment Also in the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Programmes Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports Election 2007 -- RELATED BBC SITES SPORT WEATHER ON THIS DAY EDITORS' BLOG Photo Journal: Guarding Poland's border Nuclear timber Any vehicle crossing the border passes a radiation detector, which lowers a barrier in the driver's path if it senses that something is wrong. Sometimes the cause is timber for European furniture factories, which has been cut from contaminated forests near the ruined Chernobyl nuclear power station. We have also encountered radioactive icons taken from abandoned houses. We have had no cases of nuclear smuggling. Drug trafficking is also rare here, though once we seized chemicals capable of producing 40 kilos of amphetamines. Click below for more images BACK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NEXT PRODUCTS AND SERVICES E-mail news Mobiles Alerts News feeds Podcasts BBC Copyright NoticeMMIX Most Popular Now | 26,857 pages were read in the last minute."; Back to top ^^ Help Privacy and cookies policy News sources About the BBC Contact us /**/ /**/ =0)document.write(unescape('%3C')+'\!-'+'-') //--
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