A dark theme combined with some glossy effects. Very fine theme for Windows 7. If you like custom dark-blue themes, this is for you: Download Dark Blue District | Mirror
Dark Vision is a pretty hot theme that will truly give your Windows 7 a darker touch. Includes an installer for the theme: Download Dark Vision
Event Horizon is a dark Windows 7 theme with a rather dominant and very special Start Menu. If you like Dead Space and you like unconventional interfaces, this is for you. Desaturated looks pretty cool: Download Dark Event Horizon – Desaturated | Mirror
Dark Midnight is a pretty popular theme amongst Windows 7 users, so I had to put this on this list of the best dark Windows 7 themes. Download Dark Midnight | Mirror
A very elegant custom theme with some cool buttons. If you don’t like the traditional look of buttons and like the "button down effect”, try this Mac inspired Windows 7 theme titled Mocharocha. A truly dark dream for Windows 7 customizing. Download Dark Mocharocha | Mirror
NewGen includes new hover effects for your caption buttons and turns Windows 7 into a grey look. If you like the desaturated look, go for it! Download Dark NextGen | Mirror
Oi! There are many grey tones, but this grey combined the the transparent Aero effect blows your mind. The caption buttons are rather large, but I definitely like this grey custom Windows 7 theme. Maybe not the best out there, but it’s good. Download Dark NEXTLevel | Mirror
Don’t like it too dark? I fully understand you, but some grey tones work great for a desktop theme. At least it works great in this visual style for Windows 7 titled "Pre Black”: Download Pre Black | Mirror
Black and red usually go well together. The color also also work great in this custom Windows 7 theme. Definitely one of the best darkish custom themes I’ve seen lately. Download Dark Red Distric | Mirror
This theme is not a full dark theme as it also includes a white inner browser shell. The buttons are rather large. If you don’t like thin, elegant Windows 7 themes and want something that resembles the look of Vista, go for this theme. Download Red Fusion | Mirror
Careful – a toxic combination: This Windows 7 premium theme combines a light green with a dark black. Well, this combination worked in The Matrix, so why shouldn’t it work for a desktop themes? Exactly, if you can stand the colors then this is the perfect custom theme for you: Download Dark Toxic Theme | Mirror
You like completely dark custom Windows 7 themes? How about Xenomorph. This darkish-bluish theme is a pretty good one for all people who like it simply dark. Download Dark Xenomorph | Mirror
That’s what I’m talking about! This is a truly epic dark Windows 7 theme with a great look and feel. If you want to customize Windows 7 and make it look like no other computer, give it a try! Download Dark "Life” Theme | Mirror
This dark Windows 7 theme really rocks and is definitely one of the best. Very tiny buttons, rectangle window frame with thin borders. Small scrollbars. Great work: Download Dark Gizdom | Mirror
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