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hs 10 to 15 millionths of a pound.

The average housefly lives only two weeks.

The average French citizen eats 500 snails per year.

The average female will have 3.3 pregnancies in her life.

The average company saves over $7,000 for each employee suggestion that is enacted!

The average coach airline meal costs the airline $4.00. The average first class meal: $50.

The average city dog lives three years longer than the average country dog.

The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.

The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the he/she graduates from high school.

The average car produces a pound of pollution every 25 miles!

The average American/Canadian will eat about 11.9 pounds of cereal per year!

The average American/Canadian drinks about 600 sodas a year!

The average American uses eight times as much fuel energy as an average person anywhere else in the world.

The average American eats at McDonalds more than 1,800 times in their life.

The average American consumes 9 pounds of food additives every year.

The average 1 1/4 lb. lobster is 7 to 9 years old.

The Australian $5,$10,$20,$50 and $100 notes are made out of plastic.

The ashes of the average cremated person weigh nine pounds.

The are six fictional characters that have stars on Hollywood's 'Walk of Fame'.

The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost the diameter of a garden hose.

The ant can lift things 10 times its own weight.

The ancient Egyptians bought jewelry for their pet crocodiles.

The American Automobile Association was founded for the sole purpose of warning motorists of police speed traps!

The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world's oxygen supply.

The 7-Eleven Extreme Gulp is 50% bigger than the volume of the human stomach!

The 'L.L.' in L.L. Bean stands for 'Leon Leonwood'.

Termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music.

Ted Turner owns about 2% of New Mexico.

Technically speaking, crystal glass is actually a Liquid that flows very slowly.

Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive!

Take your height and divide by eight. That?s how ?tall? your head is.

Tablecloths were originally meant to serve as towels with which guests could wipe their hands and faces after dinner.

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating!

Switzerland has the highest per-capita consumption of soft drinks in the world.

Sweden has more telephones per capita than any country on earth.

Surgeons who listen to music during operations perform better than those who don't .

Streets in Japan do not have names.

Strawberries have more vitamin c than oranges.

Stilts were invented by French shepherds who needed a way to get around in wet marshes.

Stannous fluoride, which is the cavity fighter found in toothpaste is made from recycled tin.

St. Paul, Minnesota was originally called 'Pigs Eye'.

Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.

Spinach consumption in the U.S. rose 33% after the Popeye comic strip became a hit in 1931.

Spiders have transparent blood.

Spider monkeys like banana daiquiris.

Sound travels fifteen times faster through steel than through air.

Sound at the right vibration can bore holes through a solid object.

SONY was originally called 'Totsuken'.

Someone on Earth reports seeing a UFO every three minutes.

Some species of fish have voices!

Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they cant find any food!

Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food.

Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

Some breeds of chickens lay colored eggs!

So that's how they cheat - a microwaved baseball will fly farther than a frozen baseball.

Snowiest city in the U.S.: Blue canyon, California.

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Category: Do you know? | Views: 1849 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (1)

Mexican Jumping Beans jump because of moth larvae inside them.

Men laugh longer, louder, and more often than women.

Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.

Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women!

Mel Gibson has a horseshoe kidney (two kidneys fused into one)!

Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.

Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots!

Medical studies show that intelligent people have more copper and zinc in their hair.

McDonald's salads contain up to 60% more fat than their burgers!

McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys!

Martha Stewart became a billionaire while in prison.

Marlboro cigarettes sold in New York contain more tar and nicotine than those sold in all other states!

Mark Twain didn't even make it through elementary school.

Many people in parts of China eat insects. Some common insects are bean worms, scoprions, and locusts.

Manhattan Island of New York City was purchased for $24 from the Algonquian Indians in 1624!

Males sweat 40% more than females.

Male monkeys lose the hair on their heads in the same way men do.

Male hospital patients fall out of bed twice as often as female hospital patients.

Malaysians protect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer.

Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the U.S. since 1916 when a man mailed a 40,000-ton brick house across Utah to avoid high freight rates.

Maggots will only eat flesh if it is dead. For this reason, they are often used to remove the burnt skin from severe burn patients.

Louisiana is the only state that grows in land area every year (Due to alluvial deposits from the Mississippi River).

Los Angeles's full name is 'El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula'!

London's Pall Mall became the first street lit by gaslight in 1807!

Liquid TIDE laundry detergent glows under a blacklight.

Linen is actually stronger when wet.

Linen can absorb up to 20 times its weight in moisture before it feels damp!

Lima beans contain cyanide!

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!

Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet!

Less than 3% of the water produced at a large municipal water treatment plant is used for drinking purposes!

Less than 10% of criminals commit about 67% of all crime.

Leonardo DiCaprio got his first ?onscreen kiss? from a man!

Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors.

Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of 'Helen' on 'The Jeffersons'.

Last 2 European countries to let women vote: Switzerland (1971) and Leichtenstein (1984).

Large kangaroos can cover more than 30 feet with each jump!

Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only fresh water lake in the world that has sharks.

Koala Bears are not bears.

Kleenex tissues were originally used as filters in gas masks.

Kittens are born both blind and deaf.

Kite flying is a professional sport in Thailand.

King George I could not speak English!

Kilts are not native to Scotland. They originated in France.

Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.

Kermit the frog delivered the commencement address at Southampton College located in the state of New York in 1996.

Keanu Reeves is afraid of the dark.

Karate actually originated in India, but was developed further in China.

Justin Timberlake's half-eaten french toast sold for over $3,000 on eBay!

Just one in three consumers pays off his or her credit card bill every month.

Jupiter's moon Ganymede, is larger than the planet Mercury!

Jumbo jets use 4,000 gallons of fuel to take off .

Johnny Depp suffers from self-injury.

John F. Kennedy was the first Roman Catholic President of the USA!

John F. Kennedy was buried without his brain after it was lost during the autopsy!

Jimmy Hoffa's middle name is, appropriately, Riddle.

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Category: Do you know? | Views: 1561 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

Frogs cannot swallow without blinking.

French was the official language of England for over 600 years.

Forty percent of Americans have never visited a dentist.

Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charles Jung!

Former U.S. President Franklin Pierce was arrested during his term as President for running over an old lady with his horse, but the charges were later dropped.

Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill.

Forensic scientists can determine a person's sex, age, and race by examining a single strand of hair.

For people that are lactose intolerant, chocolate aids in helping milk digest easier.

For every gallon of sea water, you get more than a quarter pound of salt.

For every 'normal' webpage, there are five porn pages.

For beer commercials, they add liquid detergent to the beer to make it foam more.

Food can only be tasted if it is mixed with saliva.

Flu shots only work about 70% of the time.

Florida has more tornados per square mile than any other state.

Flamingos pee on their legs to cool themselves off.

Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.

First-cousin marriages are legal in Utah, so long as both parties are 65 or older!

First four countries to have television: England, the U.S., the U.S.S.R., and Brazil.

Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.

Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!

Fingernails grow fastest on the hand you favor.

Fifteen people are known to have been crushed to death tilting vending machines towards them in the hope of a free can of soda.

Females learn to talk earlier, use sentences earlier, and learn to read more quickly than males.

Female canaries cannot sing.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history to not have a full moon.

Farmers in England are required by law to provide their pigs with toys!

Famous billionaire Howard Hughes stored his own urine in large bottles.

Extremely high pressured water can easily cut through a steel beam.

Every year, kids in North America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing gum!

Every year, Alaska has about 5,000 earthquakes.

Every workday, 6.7 million people commute to Manhattan!

Every U.S. president with a beard has been a Republican.

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie!

Every three seconds, a new baby is born.

Every second, Americans collectively eat one hundred pounds of chocolate

Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.

Every day, the average person swallows about a quart of mucous.

Every Alaskan citizen over the age of 6 months receives an oil dividend check of about $1000 per year!

Every 45 seconds, a house catches on fire in the United States!

Everton FC used to be called St Domingo's FC!

Even Antarctica has an area code. It?s 672.

Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death.

Europe is the only continent without a desert.

Eskimos don't gamble.

Eskimo ice cream is neither icy, or creamy!

Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, 'Gadsby', which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E!

Enrico Caruso and Roy Orbison were the only tenors this century capable of hitting e over high c!

English novelist Arnold Bennet drank a glass of water in a Paris Hotel to prove it was safe. He died two months later of Typhoid!

Energy is being wasted if a toaster is left plugged in after use.

Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards.

Elvis Presley got a 'C' in his eighth grade music class.

Elephants, lions, and camels roamed Alaska 12,000 years ago.

Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.

Eighty percent of Americans will be the victim of violent crime at least once in their lifetime.

Eddie Cochran's last recording before he died was Three Steps to Heaven!

Ears of corn always have an even number of rows of kernels. ... Read more »

Category: Do you know? | Views: 1491 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

Annually, the amount of garbage that is dumped in the world's oceans is three times the weight of fish that is caught from the oceans.

Animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike!

Blue Peter pet, Petra the mongrel puppy, died two days after being introduced. A replacement was found and the viewers were never told!

Ancient Romans at one time used human urine as an ingredient in their toothpaste.

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone!

An ounce of platinum can be stretched 10,000 feet.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

An olive tree can live up to 1,500 years!

An iceberg contains more heat than a lit match.

An elephant's tooth can weigh as much as 12 pounds.

An elephant trunk has no bone but 40,000 muscles.

An egg will float if placed in water in which sugar has been added.

An earthquake on Dec. 16, 1811 caused parts of the Mississippi River to flow backwards!

An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a small deer.

An average adult produces about half a liter of flatulent gas per day, resulting in an average of about fourteen occurrences of flatulence a day.

An American urologist once bought Napoleon's penis for $40,000.

An albatross can sleep while it flies!

An adult giraffe's tongue is 17 inches long.

An 'aglet' is the plastic or metal tip of a shoelace.

Among older men, vanilla is the most erotic smell.

Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.

Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year!

Americans eat nearly 100 acres of pizza every day - that's approximately 350 slices per second!.

Americans collectively eat one hundred pounds of chocolate every second.

Americans are responsible for generating roughly 20% percent of the garbage in the world.

America once issued a 5-cent bill!

Aluminum used to be more valuable than gold!

Almost all varieties of breakfast cereals are made of grass.

Almonds are a member of the peach family.

All the swans in England are property of the Queen.

All the platinum ever mined would fit into an average-sized living-room!

All the pet hamsters in the world are descended from a single wild golden Hamster found in Syria in 1930!

All the gold ever mined could be molded into a cube 60 feet high and 60 feet wide.

All species of beetles are edible.

All polar bears are left handed

All of the Earth's continents are wider at the north than in the south - and nobody knows why.

All major league baseball umpires must wear black underwear while on the job!

All Humans Are 99.9% Genetically Ident ... Read more »

Category: Do you know? | Views: 1834 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (2)

Torque3D 1.2 | 1.3 Gb

Torque 3D is the best full source, low cost solution out there. It is also our flagship engine built on the core strengths of our Front Line Award-winning Torque Game Engine Advanced. Torque 3D has been re-architected for maximum flexibility and performance across a wide-range of hardware 

GarageGames is currently located in Las Vegas, Nevada. As the makers of the Torque game development technology, we have provided professional level cross-platform technology and tools since 2000. The Torque Game Engine was the original technology behind the Tribes series of games and has been used since to develop countless games - including Marble Blast Ultra, a best-selling hit on Xbox Live Arcade. 

GarageGames was founded by 4 industry veterans in 2000 with the goal of disrupting the games industry with quality development tools and upsetting the dominant retail/publisher distribution model. One of the first companies to make primary use of digital distribution for our games and those we publish. 

About release Torque3D 1.2 

This release represents a monumental effort from several disciplines here at GarageGames. From the art and coding teams to the documentation and web teams we’re not only releasing a solid improvement to the best full source professional grade game engine but also a beginning-to-end tutorial on how to make a FPS game that we believe represents a new standard for tutorials for game makers. Whether you’re a seasoned Torque veteran or someone trying to figure out how to start making games, Torque 3D 1.2 has something for you. 

What's new in Torque3D 1.2 

1st Person Models

One of the major additions we made to Torque 3D 1.2 was allowing developers to create a separation between their 1st person characters and their 3rd person characters. Now you can have highly detailed and custom 1st person views while at the same time maintaining 3rd person models. This makes it easy to create games like Fallout 3 without having to compromise the artistic quality for any one view. It also works really well with multiplayer games like the one the FPS Tutorial helps you build. 

Enhanced Weapon State Machine 

Torque 3D 1.2 also provides more attributes and triggers for the mounted weapon state machine, all available with or without the 1st person models. Some of the enhancements include: 

- Control over the player’s 3rd person animations sequences on a per weapon and per weapon state basis. This allows for different grips and stances for each weapon. Two handed rifle? Ready to throw a mine? Akimbo-style pistols while crouching? Yes, yes, and oh yes! 
- Weapon sway while the player is moving. A subtle effect so weapons don’t feel locked to the camera. 
- Optional ammunition clip support and manual reloading. 
- Optional weapon lockout while the player is sprinting. Oh, didn’t we mention that we have a new sprinting pose in 1.2? 

Player Hit Notification 

In the FPS spirit we now have damage indicators showing you exactly where damage is coming from. Get that sniper! 

AI Turrets 

These can be either placed throughout a level or carried by characters and deployed as a weapon. Built in C++ and controlled through a customizable, script-based state machine, they scan for targets, rotate, and fire using the weapons that are attached to the turret. Show your friends you care by putting them on your turret’s friends list so they won’t be targeted. Or not. 

Proximity Mines 

These are carried by the character, thrown, and then stick to surfaces to become little traps for anyone that comes too close. Optimized in C++ yet available in script you can set just how sensitive these things are. Nothing better than running around spreading mines all over the place and then watching your handy work in action. 


Teleporters serve as a great example of how to make use of triggers to send people all over the place. In the words of Eric, "they are just freaking cool". 
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Category: Game making software | Views: 1014 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)


Emsisoft Emergency Kit Portable | 120 Mb 

The Emsisoft Emergency Kit contains a collection of programs that can be used without a software installation to scan and clean infected computers for malware. Your emergency kit for infected PCs! Detects and removes Malware. >4 million known dangers. HiJackFree and BlitzBlank included. With the Emsisoft Emergency Kit Scanner you have got the powerful Emsisoft Scanner including graphical user interface. Search the infected PC for Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Dialers, Keyloggers and other malign programs.

*Emsisoft Emergency Kit Scanner 
Run the Emsisoft Emergency Kit Scanner with a double click on a2emergencykit.exe. Found Malware can be moved to quarantine or finally deleted. 

*Emsisoft Commandline Scanner 
This scanner contains the same functionality as the Emergency Kit Scanner but without a graphical user interface. The commandline tool is made for professional users and can be used perfectly for batch jobs. 

*Emsisoft HiJackFree 
HiJackFree helps advanced users to detect and remove Malware manually. With HiJackFree you can manage all active processes, services, drivers, autoruns, open ports, hosts file entries and many more. For your full control over your system. 

*Emsisoft BlitzBlank 
BlitzBlank is a tool for experienced users and all those who must deal with Malware on a daily basis. Malware infections are not always easy to clean up. These days the software pests use clever techniques to protect themselves from being deleted. In more and more cases it is almost impossible to delete a Malware file while Windows is running. BlitzBlank deletes files, Registry entries and drivers at boot time before Windows and all other programs are loaded. 


Download links : 


Category: Portable full software | Views: 834 | Added by: Adamsummer | Date: 2012-04-11 | Comments (0)

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